Sunday, January 16, 2011

Definitive Catastrophic Divinity Insurance

part one
someone quickly call mr balszak
professor yatsack would like to see his
inventory of clever inventions
something that would turn the tide
because we are losing the war

mankind is simply not up to the task
in this race to be more civilized, privatized and politically culturalized

we need some form of diversion
to keep the masses from knowing

they must always believe we are winning

pour into them more misinformation
disguised as commercial occupation
so that they may masturbate to dreams
of golden rimmed escalades and spinning wheeled navigators
fashionably provided by music television that offers no tune
except the repetitious cha-ching of the suited demigods cash register

we are losing this battle and we will lose this war
this war with ourselves
to become the better man
because the better man can not
and will not
ever be able to afford
the high cost of dreaming

part two

your luckiest numbers would never let you down
every sucker born a dreamer wants to believe
this time he will be the winner
when the fantasy results are announced

they pray to gods that will never answer
money is a miracle that they will never understand
just beyond their reach, always out of comprehension
when the disparity numbers are announced

part three

the cost of crude
it wouldn't be so tough to swallow
if it didn't rhyme with rude
if the greed wasn't so visible
in the eyes of the puppets
who are reaching just like the rest of us
always wanting a bigger slice of arab-american pie

part four

quickly now
you are going to be late
to work
to school
to every god damn thing in your life that isn't really important

but you will be on time for one thing

you will be on time to receive
that white handed signal
on the blackboard of your life
the one that lets you know
you have spent it all
and none of your ill gained vanity will save you
this journey
this painstaking, mind baking, self depreciating mess
that you built with the tools given
tools designed for genuine bona-fide beauty
was for nothing more than consumption
and sadness will be dealt out to those who remain
not for comfort, or grief
(for we seldom have the joy of experiencing true grief in this polyurethane world)
no not for some high ideals of marking
the passing of a lost creature of pure divinity
but for the marketing strategies of those merchants of redemption
casket makers
grave diggers
and professional bereavement givers
for dispensers of heavenly beauty
to offer guidance and comfort at an affordable price
52.142857 sundays a year for the rest of your time on earth
and for that they offer eternity
just because the inevitable knocked on the door

part five

so it drips like this daily
the trickle down theory of domestication
and the slow ooze of the american dream
fed to wide-eyed children of insufficient means
they too will be fixated on the prize
and they will love every minute of it
televised success of humble modern day peasants
oh and they will want it
like candy for breakfast they will want it
scheme for it
rob, kill and steal for it
never knowing the truth every gambler knows
the house always wins in the end

part six

lost in the spinning maze of a sugar coated childhood
overindulged in every vice that could be grabed
body succumbing to the excess
the room whirls around in flashes of blurry colors
finally the floor
and the thumping in you ears is not the march of others
it's the pounding of your heart sending it's final demands

good natured and well intentioned medics
pull you from the brink
their kindness is not their weakness
no, their weakness lies in a fundamental flaw
that those who suffer from certain strains of the human condition
carry with them
the silly idea that everyone deserves to live just one more day

just one more day
to live
to love
to hope
to dream
and that's where it all falls apart
the grand illusions projected at us
now in blazingly fast high speed

of the perfect world
well at least a personalized perfect world
there is no hunger in a perfect world
no hate or violence
no disease or want of any kind
for the personal dreamer
who waits for his ship to come in
never knowing the truth
the dream salesmen never want us to know the truth

if we can't all fit on the one goes


  1. Written in May of 2006.
    The idea for this poem developed on my way home from work one morning.
    There really is a Mr. Balszak although I've never met him. It was a name in the system at one of the hotels I've worked for. So, Mr. Balszak if you ever read this you're welcome.

  2. To answer an old question about this- No, I have no idea what that title means, but they sure do go together nicely.


Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...