Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Mirror And The Circle

if you held a mirror up to a circle
would the circle be reversed?
it would still be a circle
because the circle represents something
we all wish we could hide
that's why we hold the mirror
up where our faces should be
to hide the honesty

oh yeah that's right
the honesty
see unlike the vampire
honesty does cast a reflection
a cold steely eyed reflection
and it frightens the hell out of us
you know
it's like that call you get
when you don't want anyone to call
you know you have to answer it
but you don't want to

ring ring
our future and our fate is on the line
fortunately we have been here before
no new ground to cover is there?
oh, but wait there is.........

can't you hear the oompa loompas marching into the bedroom
another lesson for you
doopity dooo

lesson one-
i can't seem to let go
of all these insecurities
and oh look here comes another one

it is within us all
that little person who thinks
we are ugly
too tall
too short
not well endowed
under breasted
and that little shit
will do all he can
to show us how un-pretty
we can be
and the longer you listen
the more and more believable
he becomes
until one day
you think the only one who
thinks you're attractive is
the one who is obligated to

stand up and be a man!

lesson two-
your timid and shy routine is
wearing thinner than an old pair of shoes

now here is another fellow
who hides in the bottom
of our fractured psyche
telling us that our words and thoughts
are of no importance to anyone
we should just be quiet
never say what we mean
and certainly not how we feel
oh no never that
hell no!
keep all those emotions
those thoughts under wraps
until they devour our souls with sadness

speak up we want hear you!

lesson three-
it was never about you, it was never about me
because the me is really we and the you is really us
and i just can't get why we don't understand that
me only wants to be surrounded by all the we that me can get

ah ha!
wasn't that a short lesson?
if you didn't get it here is the recap

in the truest form of reality
we are all standing here
right here
and cold
and alone
wouldn't it be nice
to reach out and know
that we have each other
that we are the only shelter
in this cruel life of petty nonsense

get it-got it-good

lesson four-
clandestine is nothing more than a pornographic way of saying
"the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence"

this little chap who
lives in the recesses of
our darkness loves
to convince us
that we can't face the obvious
he helps us hold that mirror
up straight and unflinching
he is the coward who hides
behind our defiance
calling himself the adventurer
the intrepid seeker of
new games to play when we are
or lonely
or unsure of our beauty
and without our honesty

hey! stand up and admit who you really are!

lesson five-
the voyeur is the voyeur because the voyeur is too afraid
to stop being the voyeur long enough to enjoy the moment

oh yes-
face pressed against
the window of the moment
eyes wide
gazing in upon the feast
wouldn't you love to touch it?
but no!
the little people inside you all conspire
to keep you just beyond the fringe
always longing for the experience
but unable to overcome the hold of
the negative thoughts being sent to
your senses

jump in........the water is fine!

lesson six-
when does innuendo stop being erotic
and become a pain in the ass? because
we can see your game of mental footsy from over here

unlike the conspirators
who hold the voyeur down
this tricky little bugger
seems to do all the work himself
he's a feisty little sumbitch
who seems to get his way
even though we know he shouldn't
yeah the ends may justify the means
but what a price to pay when
all the scheming is for naught
yeah, you find yourself
with a six pack of memories
and a bruised ego

say what you mean and mean what you say
"if you want it here it is come and get it but you better hurry cause its goin fast"

lesson seven-
in the seventh circle of this other life
the only person who gets left behind
is the one who couldn't grasp the meaning of honesty

yeah, it's all about shattering those mirrors
smash the fuckers!
they are hiding the most important beauty of all
the beauty of the we
the us
the singular purpose for going forward in this god damned shit sandwich eating, unfulfilled, lost and lonely, day to day, dog eat dog, hell on earth existence-
we here in this circle
brought together by forces unknown to us
here we are
in this circle

my mirror has dropped
so tonight
as i lay awake
fantasizing about the beauty
of our circle
i can only hope you drop your mirror and join me

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