Saturday, January 22, 2011


in the eyes of the smallest reflection
pours the soul of a man departed
from this unforgiving landscape of
useless plunder
and yet i wonder

where were you when the divine descended down and bathed the earth in blood?

coldly, coldly unaware
for each his own
maker and redeemer
foolish creeping schemer
a little man holding a
book about self-preservation
and sanctified enslavement

hour after hour
the day goes on
and the parade of
undeserving lechers
moves on into the future
leaving behind
a trail of castaways
searching for fields of
lust and honey

fourteen steps to the top of mount idontgivadamn and i'm so fucking tired, all i want to do is take a bath and sleep for 24 hours.

where did that come from?

oh yeah i remember

it's called bible school here in the heartland
i don't know what the rest of the world calls it
send the kids off to church for two weeks in the summer
let them learn about all gods great glory
while the parents earn those dollars
to pay for mortgages, cadillacs and other assorted sins
the last time i went to bible school the only thing i learned
was how to make a pipe bomb
true story
it was the last day and the only thing the youth councilor
did was tell us about the day him and his cousin
blew a hole in the side of his uncles barn

i told you that story to tell you this one

there is only one thing to remember when looking for the answers to the questions that you find scattered along life's endless highway of curves, hills and run on sentences....don't forget to.....................

this concludes our broadcast day

cue national anthem

1 comment:

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...