Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Into The Twilight

a color too delicate to ever touch canvas
a sonata so perfect it could only be heard in heaven

it would seem so easy
to bring this poem to life
fill the page with emotion
lines of declared devotion
a simple little ode to you my wife
to tell the world what you mean to me
expressions of this feeling
that is like no other
fill the page with stories
lines of passionate memories
a sonnet to my lifelong lover
all our secrets revealing

life is so short my darling
and when into the twilight
i am slowly fading
i ask you just one thing
hold me
hold me
let me drift out feeling the warmth
and the safety of you arms around me
don't let me close my eyes until
they are gazing into yours
for in your eyes is the only peace
my soul has ever known

it would seem so easy
to bring this poem to life
a simple ode to you my wife
to tell the world what you mean to me
but my love is not that easy
my love is not that simple
with all the words i've ever
put down with pen or keystroke
i have yet to discover
words to uncover
this love i have for you
so look again at the first two lines
and you will know
what i've tried to say all this time
our love is.....


Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...