Saturday, January 22, 2011

An Invitation To Dinner

the house is empty
the guests have all gone
the owner is crying
for dinner had gone all wrong
the bird was delightful
the dead cow simply amazing
each side dish a treasure
and desert a sight to behold
conversation was lively
and the wine just right
the crystal sparkled in the candlelight
so why was she crying
this home owner all alone
her dress now splattered with eye shadow tears

all these things that come to pass
most of us will not remember
like a walk in the park on a rainy day
we somehow forget the beauty
and focus on the rain
look once more at the puddles
you skipped across
each one different yet all the same
listen again to the sound of raindrops falling through the trees
and think about our journey
to the bottom of our own emotional sea

why was she crying
this home owner we now see?
lying at the stairwell in so much misery
for the party never happened
in this world or the next
the guests she had for dinner
were only in her mind
she closed the door to friendship years ago
these days she dines alone

1 comment:

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...