Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Dissolution Of Yesterdays Time

sitting on this spinning floor
watching the world dissolve
the colors of life ebb and flow
past the sound of life escaping
and i've drawn from the well
for the last time

not my time
time me not

flesh slips into the fight
on microscopic levels
inundated with disease
the voice of knowledge
condemns the voyeur of the soul
for the concept of time

not my time
time me not

this temptation to vanish
from the vision of perception
to meld with the unseen
the thought of consummation
draws me to the well
for one last time

not my time

That Man

love is an affliction
and passion is the symptom
but they don't know that yet do they?
all hunkered down next to
this generations fireside
telling the same sad old stories
and before we know it
we join in their chorus of pain
becoming self absorbed with
those things that matter not

you have to admit
the prey is easy here
silhouetted by the warm and friendly glow
of their monitor
typing out words of great sorrow
filled with little hope
and even less worth
to anyone who would
casually pass by without feeling

sad same old story
loneliness begets lonely
and so on and so forth
spiraling downward
until one day
you find yourself
just a fat old man
bored with living
and waiting for the day
when a heart that is tired of waiting
stops beating and in silence
you fall with a satisfied look
on a worn and withered face

i don't want to be that man
no no
i don't want to be that man
filled to the brim with emotional cancer
no no
please don't let me be that man

and the animals that gather
in the park on rainy days
waiting for hand outs
seem to look even sadder today
as if they've lost a friend
yes, the old man who sat there
day after day
feeding them crusty bread is gone
did he die or just forget to come?
has he expended his supply of bread?
like the words that flowed in his youth
all dried up without warning
such a tragedy for the world to see
to think he was once like you and me
then one day he was drug down
by the weight of his own soul
black and tortured from a constant
diet of overindulgence
gorged on ego and desire
the cup of his courage drained
by the forces of vanity gone wild

if the director would only say cut
this would all go away
and i can return to my quiet
peaceful playground in the corner of my imagination
where there are no screaming audiences
no critics, no onlookers
who are waiting for you to make that
all important first mistake
but now i'm stuck here
with my head in the sand
and i can feel the presence of that man

can someone explain to me,
what happened in the night
where did this come from?
and why is it here?
i thought no love was expendable
i thought it was understood
that i can't go out there without
falling flat on my face
don't you know i need you?
without you i'm nothing
so why can't we stop all this fighting?

you ask me if i'm in need
of some intangible
a desire you cannot fulfill
but what is it that i would want from
invisible creatures who ride
on horses of processors
along trails of binary patterns
searching for listeners of sadness
wanting nothing but attention
a false sense of security
a need for a make believe family
no, i only played the cards that were dealt
and in the end i would donate the winnings
to someone who could use them
a seeker of legions to lead into
fictitious battles for love and affection

so what will we do with them?
these monsters in the hall
that creep around stalking the night
watching us, taunting us
keeping us on different sides of the path
what can we do?
just sit here in silence and hope they go away
or do we continue to feed them
each day they grow
larger and larger
each day they breed another little
sprout of anger and jealousy
wanting a taste of the bread in my hand
what if we turned and roared back at them?
told them to just go away
we could chase them down the corridor
to the end of the line
chase them back into the world they came from
but then we would be forced to deal with the crisis
of seeing our reflection in the mirror

i don't want to be that man anymore
can't you understand?
i wasn't ever really him at all
i don't want to be that man anymore
please just take my hand
and walk with me till the end
let our love light the way
it's only a game if you play
and i don't want to be that man
who is lying on the floor
life spent and wasted on nothing
satisfied that the end has finally came
no, i'm not that man
natacha please,

don't ever let me become that man


the cold tentacles of a shattered life of
mediocre injustice reaches out
like the serpent of madness that
dwells in the houses of lonely
weekend patrolmen who creep along
side streets and alleyways trying
to slither along until their shift ends

but i am waiting in that darkness they
so cleverly try to avoid
waiting for my moment

fear is the key to survival and i hold the lock in my hand

coldly shouldering the blame of
a thousand wronged nights spent
with the agony of a broken life
spinning toward this one crucial interlude

should the man be allowed to live?

fight in the recesses of the abyss
for the salvation of one frozen soul

good god what have we become?


cut me and the blood of the world shall pour from the mouths of dogs covering your useless intentions with the cries of intellectual scavengers

help me

it is within these faint glimmers of today's modern age
that we look up to the heavens to find
not the gods of our ancestors
but the junk of our fathers
falling down upon us in a deluge of sorrow

yes, de-human
defined as new prophets
running in the streets burning society as we sleep
for in the fires of revolution are born the
minds of disgruntled soldiers
who would purge the lands
with a new wave of genocide
and offer this world to those forces
that drive the darkness within us all

darkness reaching out to us
cold tentacles that stroke our
shadowed libido
and bring us to this point-
explicit words designed to make us feel
so that we may masturbate our minds
until the orgasm of an idea spurts
onto the paper before me

put the key in the lock
put the key in the lock
put the key in the lock
put the key in the lock
put the key in the lock

And Nothing But

standing in the corner of my shadow filled room
cloaked in the robes of doubt and lies
you follow me still, always at my back
how long must i carry this burden?

the quest for knowledge
knows no boundaries
but the answers don't come cheap
the debt i owe is heavy
and the sandman knows just when to collect

the sands of time fall through the glass one by one
until the final grain slips and falls screaming
spiraling down to an uncertain future
how many more nights must i relive this dream?

each day
'til the valleys and hills
become smooth, vast unfeeling plains of nothingness
and my cold simple marker
tells you all of my fate
the window of perversion closed
and the fruitless masses of unrepentant bastards
run rampant over the desolate fields of this existence

run from the sandman, run
he collects tonight
run you twisted junkie
high on sacred knowledge, run
the sandman is close behind

looming large intimidating me from the shadows
flowing black robes of dark justice
the hand of the sandman falls on my shoulder
gripping tightly pulling me under, what escape have i?

the pit of eternal damnation opens up to receive me
as my quest comes to a fiery end, my breath held everlasting
my earthly torment over, i find peace
in the welcome arms of oblivion, my questions answered

in the end it's life and nothing but

Oh, I Didn't See You Standing There

are you sure this is where we came in?
this room doesn't look the same
full of potential killers and unexpected madmen
andrew i think you made a wrong turn
timmy, what do you think?

breaking away from the strangers inside my head

who was that person that just left?

these eyes all look new to me

i'm here to turn in my badge
i can no longer ensure the safety of the passengers
find someone else to guard this train
i'm jumping off at the next town
taking timmy and andrew with me

no more voices to scream words without meanings

see, look they never stop coming

and some of them just don't belong here


for those about to read this
for those about to run from this
for those about to return to never
swallow some more pills and meet me on the other side of the river
i'll show you my old house
take you to the playground where i dreamed of being somebody
we can hang ornaments on a tree
that never gave birth to christmas joy
we can eat crackers and cheese
and drink kool-aid in the july sun
pass our time in the dirt

or not

they say i preferred to play alone

The Meaning Of Life

here in the queue

talk to strangers

think about my bladder

wonder how it will be

turn around get a look at where i've been

anticipation grips me

getting close now

three to go

sorry folks he just left

i once waited on an answer from god

Internet Explorer

each year it comes
that first day when the
temperature climbs
reaches out and grabs
that magical number
signifying the return of summer
and all things slow to a crawl
here in my midwestern sanctuary
nestled in the valleys of
lazy rivers and shady maples
everything slows
the old timers spring shuffle
becomes the slow gait of humidity

it's this time of year i often wonder
what happened to the fixation we had
just a few months ago
that dreary lament on the down side of life
the clutches of winter
and the dirge of the winter wind
how is it we suddenly tuck it all away
so that we may frolic in the heat
we slide it under the rug of nature
silently hoping
that it will disappear while we're out

but i wrote all that to tell you this.......

we are all condemned to beat ourselves up
over the smallest of regrets
we are

i can't take you with me into my
cavern of manias and disappointments
oh sure i can write about them
hide them in clever analogies that
only a few really get
but none of you can hold my hand
as i creep down that pathway
i must face them alone
just like you
and you
and you
sorrows gonna come for all of you

seems like such a downer, doesn't it?

sure i could have continued writing about summer
splashing around in wave pools
and barbeques planned for days of patriotic fervor
but that would just be continuing a lie
wouldn't it?
shoving all that gloom under some
rug with a smiley face on it

but what is it i'm really trying to say?
did i just fill the page with random bullshit?
or was there a hidden meaning?
was it enough to gain a "seal of approval"?
or was i just poetically jerking off in the summer sun?

the answer can be found on the bottom of your shoe
no, no wait that's not it
the answer is at the bottom of your closet
damn it! that's not where i left it either

oh yeah........
the answer is within your own heart
and the only way to find it is by

HTTP 400 - Bad Request

The Heart Of This Child Still Belongs to Inoshiro

that's what i said
yeah, i know it's kinda childish
but i said it
no other word would come
yes, i know that's hard to believe
so there you have it

see, i had this dream
when i was a wee tike
the only thing i ever
wanted to be when i grew up
i was going to be the coolist
movie star of all time
a real box office giant
a villain turned hero
adored by millions the world over

eight grade
lost dream
i said yikes
six feet tall
too tall
too tall
i said yikes
my childhood dream
and i said yikes
no one had ever been that tall
too tall
too tall

you see, the suit just isn't
made for someone that tall
but thank you inoshiro honda
for giving a child a dream
to someday be.............


It's All About The Mice...No Wait...It's All About...Nah It's About This High

cheese heads playing con-artists
eating coney dogs during commercials
completely ignoring the watchful eye
of satellite demigods hording cash
for the suspected collapse

get the picture?
of course you don't

silly rabbit
tricks are for unusual freaks of nature creeping up behind you with daggers drawn and teeth showing wanting to take you away form this world
but wait!

blah blah blah
too much undiscovered country for me to..........



this is all just a dream covered in candy and ice cream scooped on a bed of roses waiting for children (adults who don't know better) to make running leaps of faith based on what their lower compass thinks is the right direction only to find the roses covered a bed of concrete consequences

oh poor sad man/woman
what have you become?


as your dress falls to the floor
smooth and flowing
a caress
a kiss
and the world turns round for us

this desire too much for me
as i tremble with excitement

a movement in our symphony
touch in Am
love in C
pleasure in G
and the world turns round for us

this desire too much for me
as i miss a note and crumble

The Sad Clown

it is funny isn't it?
all those times
i tried to push you away
or the times i ran away
i tried so hard to "break free"
to find a way to lose you
your love

it is funny isn't it?
how i lost you by loving you

these tears are not cried from the clown in the corner
this ocean of sadness comes from the heart of the one who tried to love you

the clown misses you though
but he knows
he knows

he knows life is balance
and the scales have tipped
all the love he wasted in years gone by
couldn't even out the love you no longer have for him

the clown misses you though
and i guess i will forever

The Secret Location Of Modern Deities And The Explanation Of At Least One Imp

do you gamble?
would you like to make a wager?
a little side bet on the meaning of life
how 'bout it?

you know god would be kicked out of vegas
he would
they don't like people who cheat on their wagers
god did
story of job

i had a dream
i was pulling a heavy stone
up a mountain
and the rope broke
it crushed the little people
they screamed in horror
as this slab of heartbreak raced toward them
and i couldn't help myself
i laughed out loud
they looked so funny
after they had been crushed
it was almost like a cartoon
then i thought
well what the hell were they doing
standing behind a guy pulling a stone
then i realized

i had crushed my own dreams
i wasn't laughing anymore

(ha ha ha ha ha ha)

really, don't you know where they keep the devil?
he's in a secret compartment
at the base of keith richards skull
what, you didn't know keith was a robot?
sure, keith richards is a robot
one of a kind-the only working prototype
the whole project was scrapped to develop the widget
now the world has stout in a can
and a neat little place to keep the devil
don't believe me?
the next time you see keith ask him

you think keith will take me to court for that or just laugh?

would you like to know where god is?

he's the 4th smiley from the left

Circle Of Nothing

if there were no rules, boundaries or games to play in life we would find ourselves doing much more living and less walking around in circles.....circles of nothing.

and all this walking is usually caused by this fine fellow....

it feeds the fire
it turns the wheels
i can't help it
i love it so
little demon inside my head
it takes me places i'm afraid to go
it makes me take the extra step
i can't help it
i love it so
little demon inside my head
it shows me reflections i don't always want to see
it hears me when i cry in the night
i can't help it
i love it so
little demon inside my head

because he's only lonely

fingers twirl around the throat of the next impending fool needing to leave this feeling alone
a dance for the clean and soft to pretend to play after the days meanderings are over
lonely eyes follow the lonely
hollow eyes follow the watcher
cold eyes follow the receiver
the feeling of control soon subsides leaving the dark empty space of regret to consume the enslaved
chances are just that

lonely eyes follow the lonely

follow the lonely

or maybe just lost

looking down
turn around
my shoes don't touch the ground
last forever
leaning on into the wind
slipping further into the sound of myself
seeking the answers
to my questions of doubt
walking around
feeling the night
twisting and thinking
how did this story end

losing my
losing my

tossing and rolling
in the still air
feeding the monsters
that dwell in my head
crushing the flowers
that i bought for you
cursing this feeling
too new to be true
swallowing my fears
in the shallow end of a lifetime of dreams
keeping this something
this nothing
for what
for what do i die

losing my
losing my

seeing the faceless
the nameless go dashing by
reaching out to grab them
i fall with a cry
weeping and drooling
this is fucking my mind
this sensation is fucking my mind
this falling sensation is fucking my mind
this desperately falling sensation is fucking my mind

and we all know how quickly it takes to fall in love

this far-off tone has found me once more
i tremble at the thought of falling behind
behind the times
behind the love
behind the truth
behind the lies
behind the secrets
behind the kisses stolen in a darkened room

but what if this love blurs the lines between all we thought we knew

in the womb of desire the pressure takes its toll
the stone cold face of indifference begins to shed its first tear
trapped between the hammer and the anvil
the weight of duality cripples even the mighty

a whisper from the darkness once told you silence was golden, now if you could only cry out loud
if you could only look in the mirror
if you could only see who you are

trapped between the hammer and the anvil
between lover and friend

what if we can't just

october thunder slipped across
the midwestern sky
bellowing through the river valley
grand dinner music
for a feast of discovery

your lips, made even sweeter
by the wine we shared
as we revealed
ourselves to each other
in flashes, like lightning strikes

in some other place, in another time
hearts would be changed
in this night of living fantasy
just as the rain changes
the landscape of my mind

but when the storm passes
and our passion is filled
the sun will rise tomorrow
and we shall wake once again
as friends

regardless of the outcome or who we hurt or who we leave wondering "was that once me?"

dreamer deceiver
what i once claimed to be
handing out a taste of sweet corruption for any who would try
worming my way into the depths of indulgence stopping just short of the fall into the abyss
searching for that ever fleeting moment of ecstasy to wrap my greedy fingers around
raging from lust to lust consuming the juices of stolen passion
that was yesterday....
broken down and bitter
what i am today
filled with fear and insecurity wanting to be heard
cowering from the man i used to be
searching for my place in a make believe world created by me

how do we stop the tide of jealousy

i saw a rainbow today, stretching out across the horizon of my life
it reminded me of you, it reminded me of us
perfect shades of life, but something wasn't right
for all the beauty the scene could offer it was still lacking
every corner i did search, looking for unpainted pieces to this puzzle in which i now stood
the closer i looked the more beautiful the scene, the more i took in the more hollow this splendor felt
in vain i searched
how could such a scene leave me filled with sorrow?
from horizon to horizon i ran seeing, feeling, living in this masterpiece painted with such a loving touch
i ran until i fell to my knees and wept unto the heavens
my cries filled the sky, rolling through the valleys like the voice of god
it was then i found the answer
i could never paint your beauty, but he could never describe it

or the rivers of tears

only holding the time gently until the curtain falls
i do not curse you for being selfish
nor do i pity you for being alone
so blind you are
so blind
sowing the seeds of sorrow in the fields of my heart
i do not hate you for being you
nor do i envy you for being a thief
so blind you are
so blind
open eyes burn
open eyes hurt
open eyes see
open eyes
.....could see that my heart was breaking

and yet when we try our hardest to put the pieces back together it seems to come crashing down again

your jealousy is funny to me
it creeps around the house
like some insane cat
hell bent on finding something

because there will always be questions

if the pieces of my heart came crashing down at your feet would you weep?
if the oceans moving inside my soul dried would you offer me a drink?
if the cold wind of sacrifice knocked me down would your hand be there to help me up?

questions of the heart never answered when the sun is shinning
never answered when the moon is full
questions of the heart left to be forgotten after the thrill is gone

if i screamed aloud i love you...
if i screamed aloud i hate you...
if i screamed aloud don't leave me...
if i screamed aloud never come back...

questions left unasked
questions filled with fear of knowing the answers

usually asked by those you will look at and say "you don't know me", even though they do

as you read these lines, these fragments of light and shadow that have come to define our lives, do you feel me?
or does that piece of meat inside your chest only pump blood?
i sometimes wonder if we even remember how to love
a feeling lost in the empty promise of forever

children pretending to be adults playing grown up games

questions we don't want to answer

remember what the old folks said
play with fire, you'll wet the bed
now that we're grown and made our name
tell me, how long do you plan on sleeping in the flame?

not because we don't know the answer, we just don't want to answer

how do you play this game?
i seem to have forgotten
should there be a winner?
i thought we all won some sort of prize
what are the rules?
i thought honesty and compassion were the norm
how do you play this game?
i seem to have forgotten
what was it that came first?
love, sex or friendship
we must have lost our way

we look for the answers everyday

i sat alone today, looking at my world
dissecting tiny fragments of what used to be the truth
collecting evidence for the coming trial
playing detective with my heart

i sat alone today, screaming at my world
a counterfeit version of reality
held together with innuendo
promise of some future prize i could never win

i sat alone today, thinking about you

and there we are, left with what ifs and could have beens

visual figures of blurs that run past me in the night peacefully greeting me as they glide through life without feeling
cold is the hand of the boatman as he helps me onto the shore
lost is the hope of finding you waiting for me down by the river
sitting there telling stories to the children who have crossed without knowing where they now rest their heads
damn you and your quest to find a new life
damn you and your need to feel again

walking through the mists of tomorrow, breathing scented air
keeping close to the path of virtue
memorizing the sins left behind
still i search this world for you
drifting further into sadness, drifting further into madness
falling hard upon the dream stained floor
i can't go on
damn you and your quest to find a new life
damn you and your need to feel again

damn you and your desire to look into the mirror

when it's all said and done who can we seek out, who can we trust?

if i were a child
would you take me in?
if i were a woman
would you make love to me?
if i were a stranger
would you offer me a ride?
if i were your best friend
would you listen to my advice?
.....then just hear me, please

the artist painted
on a canvas of sorrow
for all the world to see
yet, for all the colors
he could bring to life
one shade eluded him
and now his self portrait
hangs on the wall
a perfect rendition
of what his biased eyes see

if i were your best friend
.....never mind

because it all comes back to one thing

you sit there
quiet little man
scribbling away
at this so-called novel
silently waiting
for the next plot twist
corrupting the lines
to meet your own
secret illusion
whispering into the
characters minds
"go ahead, kill this night"
and still you remain a fool
ignoring the drama
that unfolds around you
squeezing every last drop
out of naivety
just wishing for acceptance
from someone other than
the people who love you
but you can't hold back
much longer, can you?
your eyes begin to open
and you see the destruction
the chaos that swirls around you
now you must make that choice
you must write it all again
from the beginning
just to make everything normal
so it will fit into your
neatly packaged, perfectly organized
pseudo christian life
write, blind man, write
your life may well depend on it
write the story of betrayal
and hope you douse the fire
that burns within your own house
before the flames of desire
consumes you
commits you
to living this all again

and the choices we must make

caught between him and destiny
no place for our love to be
moving back instead of on
is the wrong way i see
me or him it must be
make your choice or set me free

tell me another lie
give me a reason why

playing the fool for you
believing you were true
watching you take away
the world i had made
should i leave this place
or should i stay

tell me another lie
give me a reason why

and living with memories just doesn't seem to be enough

no inspiration here
just me and my frozen dinner
a thousand miles from tomorrow
and a lifetime away from you

remember the pancakes we made together
breakfast never tasted so good
the smell of coffee and morning conversation
the promise of a new day

besides memories are just like dreams, nothing but.....

foolish thoughts dreamt by a fool

look into my eyes
tell me you can't see it
this love i have
look into my heart
tell me you can't feel it

my arms ache for the chance to hold you all
take each of you to my special place where the world can't touch us
where all we need is each other and can love without fear

foolish thoughts dreamt by a fool

and some days all you want to do is let it burn

the hammer pounds the anvil in the cathedral of my soul
damning me with each new strike
hellfire and brimstone delivery, echoing off the columns
and rattling the stained glass
shouting down from the pulpit
fire in the basement
burn this palace down

now it's almost like some kind of unimaginable dream complete with characters who you think you know, but are not quite sure

you sit there
silently in your room
waiting for the world to
explode around you
hoping just to catch a glimpse
of what real life is like
or maybe it is fantasy you prefer
but still, neither will come to you
alone, up there
silently sitting in that lonely room
what if life softly knocked upon your door?
what if death battered it down
like a pre-dawn navel bombardment?
would you still sit there?
even if you knew it was me

so you remember the good things, only the good things

when we were dancing
we were so close
my mind was wild
with thoughts of
me and you

when you placed your
hands on my shoulders
my pulse quickened
at the idea of
me and you

when we embraced
you held me so tight
like you were trying
to be part of me
i wondered about
me and you

i know it seems wrong
to love you the way i do
but those who believe
this feeling is evil
have never seen you cry
have never heard you laugh
in quiet moments
when only the chill of
autumn surrounds us
in dreams of life without boundaries
and love without cost

as i lay next to you
with a new sensation in my heart
i can't help but think about the future
do we have one?

now that we're together
me and you

and everyone else is left to wonder, how it could have been

i had a dream
i was lying in bed
you were by my side
and (__) was on the other
then i woke up

i wrote this down so i would not forget it


in the deepest end of the pool
we swam without fear
holding hands as new feelings
covered our bodies
shivering from the sensation
as we left the world
and all of its dysfunctional
truths behind


this is where we found it
hidden amongst all that
useless baggage called guilt
discovered in an embrace
that seemed to last forever


is more than just a word
more than just a feeling
love has no boundaries
a simple thought isn't it?
try and remember that
the next time you see us
because (__) could have
been sharing it with us

still, in the end it all comes out the same. lost, lonely people all walking around in circles

just me
and my sadness
on a sunday
never mind those people
where was i going?

i've tried so many ways
to forget
let it be
i can't
a shadow follows me
slowly building
forming as the days go
just me
thinking about you

did i ever really know you?
in circles

so forever this merry-go-round
broken down
some kind of reminder
we left behind
in case we pass this way again
not so much youth lost, but trust
just me
in circles

maybe one day
we can come together
when we're older
when you're through pretending
and i'm through
in circles
just me
a circle of nothing



but i am only small
nothing really to look at
nothing really important at all
but i am only seven
not yet able to decide
not yet able to think suicide

yet there hides in the dark
something scary
something tearing me apart
i want to scream for help
but i am only small
and my presence can't be felt

please remember me
please just notice me.....


alone in my room
alone in my room
my castle
my tomb
alone in my room
where will i be going?
not outside
no, no, not out there
with their screaming and fighting
drinking and crying
no, i won't go out there

alone in my room
alone in my room
my castle
my tomb
where will i be going?
in my mind i'll fly away
to a land of dreams and play
to a world where i am alive
to a world with color and laughter
where i make the rules.....

Andrews World

no rules
no rules
no parents to remind me
no parents to hide me
no rules
no rules
i can run, i can play
i can dream of things all day
i can laugh, i can yell
i can
what's that?
a nasty bug!
there are no nasty things in my world!


hey, that felt good.....

crush them
smash them
with my magnifying glass
i can watch their insides burn
stupid little bugs
look, see them run
now something is frightened by me
pull their wings
watch them scurry
watch them squirm
yes, something is afraid of me

hello kitty!

soft and playful, you are to me
you purr and crawl around for me
pretty kitty
you're so nice to me
i wonder
i wonder
i wonder pretty kitty
what makes you purr.....

Andrew Fights Back

why do they laugh at me?
the other children i see
they call me names
"hey, stupid!"
make fun of my clothes
"nice shoes, did they hand them out at the shelter?"
they push me down
and knock me around
it's just like being home.....

i can't take it any more!

i felt my hand curl and tighten
he's not so tough
soft and squishy
i can smash him too!


hey, that felt good.....

The Voice

lying in my bed asleep one night
something woke me with a fright
a voice behind my closet door
a voice
a voice calling me, but what i know not for
a voice
a voice behind my closet door
a voice
telling me they are waiting for me
to join them in the darkness forevermore

andrew, andrew
come and play
in this land of make believe
andrew, andrew
won't you stay?
all your pain we could relieve.....


twelve is such a funny number
i am twelve and full of wonder
i wonder where my kitty's gone
i wonder where my mommies gone
i wonder when she comes home
will she be alone?

mommy please don't turn the lights out
i'm so afraid
mommy, can i please lay next to you?
i'm so afraid

andrew, andrew
you know better
mommy has a friend who wants to stay
andrew, andrew
you know better
now be a big boy and go on your way.....

she never listens
she doesn't love me
no one loves me

The Voice II

in the darkness of the night
i'm awake but not with fright
the voice is saying something
something i like to hear
we love you andrew.....

Darkness And Nothing More

a step
take a step
closer to
take a step closer to
the closet
take a step closer to the closet
and open up the door
take a step closer to the closet and open up the door
darkness and nothing more.....

where are these voices coming from?
who are they and what do they want with me?
i hear them in the night
i've heard them all my life
but when i go to see
there is nothing but darkness looking back at me

they call to me
they know just what to say
come and play

tonight i will do it
i will go without fear
tonight i will do it
i will sleep inside my closet
so i can feel them come near
i know i can do it
i'm fourteen now
i can face this on my own.....

The Day Mommy Woke Up

"how long has he been like this ms. xxxxx?"
"i don't know, i just found him in the closet. he wouldn't even look at me. doctor, what's wrong with my son?"
"i don't know ms. xxxxx, right now it looks like some kind of catatonic state. does your son use any kind of drugs ms. xxxxx?"
"i don't know, he's always in his room, he comes home and goes to his room. he barely even says five words to me. please doctor, is he going to be ok?"
"right now, we just don't know"

Andrews Castle

i've left them
all alone now
let's see how they like it
to just be ignored
i have my new friends
i have my new family
here inside my closet
here we are

alone in my room
my castle
my tomb.....

The Ghost Of Future Past

the endless lines of melancholic memories fill these pages
as i covet this morbid fascination i have with my own
my own
my own

the colossal specter of illusion fills my world with nothingness
as i search new depths of solitude to invent my own
my own
my own

the phantom in the mirror of truth
the banshee of darkness that draws nearer to thee
the poltergeist of regret
still i gaze upon the reflection and see


Dreams From Dust

from where i once came was once where i came from
but still, i could never return from whence i came
for i cannot remember how i came to be where it is that i am now
however, if i were to trace my steps from here to there
and arrive at the place i started from,
i would still be lost
for i started as dust swirling about the tombstones of another mans dreams

It Slices, It Dices And It's Only $99.95

you used to be my only friend
you were my only hope
now you're drowning me

can't stop watching this
can't turn my head away
my eyes fixed on the images
flashing at me, through me
and it's only 3am

adjust your tee height
buy real estate
you need a juicer

and it never stops raining
it pours in my head and numbs the pain
only to fill a void that
was never really there

you're fat
buy more junk
these girls are wild

someone shut it off
someone kill this thing
save me from this spiral
path i have stumbled down
call the whole damn thing off
i'm being driven sane

and it never stops raining
it pours in my head and numbs the pain
only to fill a void that
was never really there

She Was Once Someone I Knew

she can't remember
the laughter
she just remembers
the tears
of a million
crying nights
when she was all alone

and then she finds the answers
trapped inside her head
and then she finds the answers
that lie upon this bed

she follows the newsman
like he was some
kind of god
she waits for him to tell her
that it's safe outside
but she still
won't leave the house

and today she found the answers
they unraveled like a ball of string
and today she found the answers
today she heard the angels sing

and the angels said
"close your eyes you're almost home"
and the angels sang
"this is your last day alone"
and the angels cried
"another piece of heaven is gone"

today she found the answers
in a cold new reality
today she found the answers
in the fresh sound of eternity

Every Other Cloudy Thursday

the masters fill suicide machines with willing victims
digitized gods sit in calculated judgment of minds overflowing with doubt
the choir in robes of flowing yellow proclaim oneness with the lord
drones they move to and fro about the daily shuffle

every last god damn one of them

i'm losing this fucking struggle
every word that once came freely
now creeps like molasses in winter
and i'm lost in this pathetic struggle
to find the flavored phrase
the single line that unlocks the
floodgates of my mind

mr. dylan
can you hear my pen
carve lines on the paper?
can you?
mr. dylan
surely you can see
my words are stuck
inside tombs of
forgotten ideas
that died in the twilight
of nightmares only
wanting to become dreams

and every other cloudy thursday
comes falling after me
wanting to hear the sunrise
and feel the spoken breeze
regardless of my mental state
regardless of my pre-penned fate

every other cloudy thursday
i sit and wait for something more
than these orphaned words that haunt me
these visions of people without voices
looking for a higher calling
to be more that just writing on the wall

The Singularity

i hear the all too familiar sound of time rushing past me
slivering by in a multitude of blinding colors
it is the new shade of chaos that falls around my weary feet
the singular feeling of supreme damnation


cold calculating silence
beating out a rhythm of decay that only my mind can keep time with
with each inhale/exhale
it grows inside me feeding on
the surging of this blood worn too thin
from prolonged exposure to this new cancer i have found
a corrosive disease that laughs in the face of treatment


my silence
my everlasting silence
it lives within my psyche
cursing me
my silence

blessed are the lovers of noise
those philanderers of the joyous cacophony that rings in nightmares and golden palaces of sound
for i long to join you
if only to find what once was lost
those whisperers of truth
those barkers of lies
those pitchmen of beauty
those speakers of desire

if only to find what once was lost
....i am voiceless in this world of words

Carving Up Fiction

writing is torture

don't believe me?

ask the paper how it feels when you carve it up with your pen

your soul may be poured out for all the world to see
but who will see the blood from the paper
that covers your neatly organized desk?


i once swallowed up the worlds oceans looking for a drink
still, my thirst was greater than all the mouths in arid lands i've never seen

then i met you

The Fine Line

don't let me stop you)


(oh yes, that is wonderful)


(very lovely
no, no
keep going)


(what's that you say?
it just faded away)

you see
it's just that easy

all truth is perception

Streetlamps Glowing

streetlamp glowing
ever showing
as i bite into her breast
streetlamp glowing
never knowing
this pleasure of the flesh

the crowds gather
like flies they gather
round the body
as if it were dinner
and in a way it is
dinner for the dark side
a little something
for beast in every man

streetlamp glowing
ever showing
as i prowl the night time air
streetlamp glowing
never knowing
my fire burns once more

certain needs
gruesome deeds
fulfill my lust
for just once more
blood is power
blood is life
i must now feed
in the shadows
i do hide
till she passes
she will die

streetlamps glowing
never knowing


invisible existence
black light
twist the possibilities
and recover truth
hidden here
in the silence of
this room where
i wait for redemption
playing games with shadows
deciphering formulations
while the ghosts of deception
bring useless equations to orgasm
with the promise of freedom

Penetrating Madness

i keep you here
in the blackest embrace
until the explorers of
insanity reach the
keepers of perfection
hiding inside your
chamber of grace

Lover Come To Me

come now
come now lover
cover me
with your invention
let me plant within you
the force of reality
unleashed unto this
come now
come now lover
consume me
my flesh begs
to be held
in the jaws
of your infinity
come now
come now lover
come with me
into the never

I Found Religion On The Highyway

someone once told me centipedes were venomous
kinda like that duck that attacked me
i don't know
but the centipede
that's crawling around my desk
is really starting to frighten me
oh no!
lost track of him
well if you hear me scream
you'll know why

i have exactly 28 minutes

drive to the wilderness
set up camp
lay the tarp down
and don't get damp
start the fire
cook the dogs
open a bottle
of whiskey
and toast good times
pass out in the tent
and greet the sunrise
ever get lucky on a picnic table?

truck stop
and fishnet
all along the highway
we fumble with
strange desire
and hope no one is watching
when we
look for something higher

truck stop
and fishnet
this love affair with our cars
bucket seats
can be most helpful
if you don't mind
going there alone
but backseat lovers
are something we uncover
in the cool october night

i was driving home from (insert city here)
when i passed him on the road
i thought what the hell
and i offered him a ride
he thanked me and asked
if i could drive till sun up
i said why not

the hours past and using heavy words
he told me his story
and i wept without a sound

just when i thought he would
give me all the answers
to this life and the next
the sun came streaming in
and shattered my hope
in ever knowing why

i woke up in my drive-way
blurry and uncertain
i found religion on the highway
and he was nice enough to bring me home

i know what you are thinking
i found some inner peace
you're wondering if i found god

religion was a stray dog
he died yesterday

truck stop
we love the open road
all the things we see
and all the things we find
come to make us who we are
riding down the freeway
just a weary traveler
in love with our car

My Infidelity

close the door to this killing scene you created, it only provides escape to the peaceful
rip down this curtain of sensibility that hides the body of potential madness
hold another guilty victims hand when you cross into the realm of preconceived judgment
enter into evidence another twisted metaphor to demonstrate the cost of your forgotten pain
look into the eyes of endless beauty and laugh
drag the bloody carcass of your wasted dreams down to the river of regret
set sail on the ship of fools around the puddle of your reality
open up the graves of your fathers and see the dust you have become
turn this life to the vigilant eye of fiction and accept the penalty for reaching too far

King Of The Hill

king of the fleeting moment was i
atop the mountain so high
intoxicating was the consummation of my lust
inside the palace of copulation

king of the grand indulgence was i
divinely perverse in mine eye
filling the blessed chalice with my precious depravity
at the alter of desire

king of the great naught was i
oblivious to my days passing me by

Construct #7

coming to me
this is the poison
coming to me

all in a rush of sensation
knowledge is so dangerous
and the gold that flows
in the halls of forgotten kings
is worthless on this journey

sink my pen into the flesh of purity
and carve my words on the eternal night

coming to me
this is the poison

elixir of truth
the truth i never wanted to know

coming to me

the night surrounds me
in eternal lust
coming to me
this is the poison

blood for the hunger


no one was saved.....

falling down on
a first eyed thought of what love should be
careening through the forest like some
grizzly fire looking for life in the
smallest drops of imagination

no one was saved.....

come watch me die/kill
this is the theater of destruction/birth

no one was saved.....

this is the mystical fable of twisted fathers and madmen who turn into lords of the manor

walk along the lines of despair and don't look down
hear the voices?
no joy
no joy
no joy
in this world i have made

here in the cold recesses 
the shallow pools of regret
i have found the glory
after a lifetime of useless greed
battles fought for triviality
i have found the glory of you

someone was saved.....

Most People Are Afraid Of Living

death will be there when i get there
do i fear it?
why should i?
i have brought life into this world
and i have taken it out
i've looked into the eyes of death and seen the void
no, death i do not fear
at least not mine

i fear not being there
when my daughter is in need
i fear i wont be able to save her
should darkness befall
i fear my hands will not catch her
that she will be just out of my reach
in her hour of need

no, death i do not fear
it is these uncertainties
of life
that frighten the hell out of me

If I Built A Monument (Extended Album Version)

well i'll be damned
this laughter must have been canned
you see i knew it from the beginning
that it was you pretending
as if i were a dumb little child
that's ok i have my ways
of bringing the stars down to earth
just watch

and you'll count forever
well, maybe not alone
i'm not
but i told you that
didn't i
that's ok i have my ways
of bringing clouds for the sunshine

someone please
quickly grab a gun
for my head is killing me
and my belly is empty
no more sweets before bedtime for you
silly rabbit
you thought i was a kid
not quite
just a hostile reptile
slithering into middle age
but you knew that
didn't you
that's ok i have my ways
of turning to strike when i seem to be running away

where was this going?
push the envelope?
test the boundaries?
play the exorcist?
see just how much this glass will hold?

and just like the tragic clown
i play in real life
all i hear is laughter
even when the audience cries
all i hear is laughter
even god is laughing
he laughs the loudest
even when i cry
shed a tear for the clown damn it
shed a tear for the clown
get off your pathetic suburban ass and help him up
the next time he falls down
it's not always part of the act

you see it's just not me who is hiding here
it is everyone of you
we sit here and write our days away
when so much more we could be doing
well, probably not me
because i just don't care
let it all fucking burn
i'll be back around
i will survive
the apocalypse would be one heller party
at least it would for me
because i just don't care
honestly i think i would sleep right through it
i partied myself out years ago
these days for me a party is
four hours of porn and a tube of ky
but no not even that appeals to you
just keep on writing
maybe our words will change the world
now there's a hoot

are you still reading this?
well if you are here's the punch line
xxxx xxx xxxxx xx xx xxxxx xxxx
well i thought it was funny
and maybe you will too
i don't know
i don't care
but i do know this
we are all chasing the same thing
all of us
that tasty juice we just can't seem
to get enough of
and the longer my poems
the taller my glass of ego

(no ice please)

so you see we can't take it with us
not even these words we all love
no sleek metaphor will save us
from our own impending doom
man, we can't even save baseball
let alone ourselves
i can't even watch "field of dreams"
but that's because he never played catch with me
and he was really good at baseball
so i cry like a baby everytime i watch it
because even if i did build it
he probably wouldn't come

but, if i built a monument to love
would you be here?
read all the words
even if they might not make sense?
all i can do is pour my heart out
over each line and hope
you find it
that secret compartment in my chest
where i keep my dreams
of loving you alive

seriously, i just wanted to hear your laugh
one time
maybe even hold your hand
for a little while
feel the softness of your kiss on my cheek
then i could fade away into
the oblivion of the internet
and sleep for a thousand years
then wake up to find
a rainbow inside a painting
of a man about to crumble
because loving you
would be like
touching the face of god


to touch the bottom of the well indefinitely
i am here in the shadows of regret
holding onto a dream

nothing is, but nothing
nothing is for me
nothing more than an allusion
of the truth

god damn!

a crumpled picture falls from my hand
worn and darkened from time and tears

face the music

she was never really there


the crush of love is devastating
the truth of love deafening
cold, is the hand that will caress your ego when the reality of loneliness creeps
cold, is the breath of the one who lies down to redeem their lost glory
vicious, is the agent of pleasure when the past is left forgotten
vicious, is the one who holds on only to slip when the ties are strongest

the crush of love is renewal
the truth of love is unending downfall
forever, is the last dumping ground of the uncommitted
forever, is only just past the horizon of your own darkness
satisfaction, is not a petition circulated by the thrust of your desire
satisfaction, is the bondage that keeps the heart free of devotion

the crush of love is your cry unheard
the truth of love is your silence reassured

One Night Stand

when you wake up in the morning
you will see the roses i left for you

one red-for the passion
one pink-for the softness
one yellow-for the morning
one white-for the solitude
one black-for the end

when you wake up in the morning
you will know the love i left for you

when i wake up in the morning
i will keep the sorrow i felt in you

Remember 17? (It Still Is Really Damn Crappy)

sail away with me
far across the sea
just you and me
the way i want it to be
sail away
far away
sail away with me

take a chance
you may win
find love again
he may have left you
in such a bad way
don't be blue
i love you

alone with you
to say what i can't wait to
soon this time will come
the words i've waited
my life to say
with you
turn to say
i love you

stop the dawn from breaking
stop the world from turning
she loves me

this love
what it's been through
just to be alive
do we have the passion
do we have the heart
this love seems so right
this love seems so right
this love has yet to really start

there is a light at the end
of this tunnel
guides me

only you
remained true
only you
pulled me through
from darkness into light
loving arms hold me tight
only you
gray skies to blue
only you
miracles you do
take me higher than eagles soar
love i so adore

here in my arms
all night long
hearts pounding as one
holding each other tight
this love so deep
this love so strong
can't be wrong
here in my arms

story of a boy and a girl
johnny and june
fell in love underneath a full moon
good times and fun
football games and simple things
kissing in darkness
top down
drive around
love in bloom underneath the full moon
then one day without warning
june said goodbye
what had johnny done
he thought this was love
johnny was so wrong
late at night
down by the woodshed
gun to his head
johnny entered the promised land

paradise is 17
the world stands still at 17
dreams come true
just sunshine and you
paradise is 17
just like 17
paradise doesn't last forever

'Tis The Season

the season,
i'm trying to
write, damn it!
one word, two words
hell it took me 20 minutes
to get this far! time to blow my
nose! common cold my ass! the only
thing common, is the fact that the common
man must put up or shut up. just in time for that
time, you know the one. that magical time of the year
when we fathers get to lose more hair, trim the tree, hang the
lights, buy more toys and get them wrapped in just
one night and
still, i fight this not so common cold
when all i wanted to do
write damn it

A Really Bad Poem (The Ballad Of Ray)

some obsess over beauty
others worry for health
but the blind one among us
searches in vain
for the secret to ending
his lifelong pain
for miles and miles he roams
down dusty back roads
and smooth highways he goes
not ever sleeping, he just rolls on
until one day he stops and he trembles
in awe of that which he sees
a busty young virgin upon bended knees
with her hands held to the heavens
she screams out her plea
and to her surprise he answers her call
for she is the answer to his hearts poverty
so now to the alter they walk
to enter into a union
that shall last for eternity
a frightened young virgin
who was worried about pain
and a ugly half-blind biker
who's hung like a flea

Death Of The Artist (Fucking Myself In The Time Hole)







Outtakes I

turning beauty into the tingling truth-
seeing pictures in the dark
tingling beauty turns the tables on truth-
holding onto the darkness outside the frame

Outtakes II

and fowl smelling....
how can you go through life?
how can you expect my respect?
i am honestly not sure which is higher-
the number of teeth in your head
or the number of words in your vocabulary
how do you display any self pride?
perhaps if you bathe just once a week-
or learn just a portion of your native tongue- (english)
how can the greatest country this world has ever seen allow this?

how can these people have a bigger bank account than me?

and we wonder why people go crazy and do dumb ass things
and we wonder why people drink themselves into darkness
we wonder and never do a damn thing about it.....

i've tried my last try
as a wise man once said-
"i don't want to live on this planet anymore."

Outtakes III

the nest for my egg
the bun for my wiener
the rum for my coke
the account for my poke

you love that poke
on your face-book

now let me see that pearl necklace

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...