Thursday, December 25, 2014

Waiting For The Impressionist

the sun no longer kisses your animated sky
the blue calm of surrender is the only reply
i’ll be waiting

the star you went chasing fades away
that creeping darkness begins to sway
i’ll be waiting

i’ll be waiting for you in my world of dreams
with open arms to encompass your extremes
i’ll be waiting for you in the silent of the night
with a well of words for you to write

the that lonely spirit comes calling
the tears of yesterday start falling
i’ll be waiting

the summer birds of song have long since flown
this renoir existence has left you frightened and alone
i’ll be waiting

Even Poets

a new fascination comes over me
like rain pouring down
truth is a vision for prophets and madmen
to hide in paintings of virgin sacrifices
we are all just poor art critics
misinterpreting the answers
to fit these questions we struggle with

this shivering feeling carries me away
to land of childhood fancy
were i crossed mountains
in search of a treasure
i could call my very own
a chest filled with so much more
than my mediocre dreams

the sharpened teeth of despair
became a rabid dog ripping my flesh
the sweet taste of my teenage fantasies
drove it to an unstoppable frenzy
yet with this heartbreak surrounding me
i still searched for a treasure
just one a little softer and warmer
than these nights of playing make believe

in the middle of yet another treasure quest
pain arrests me, i drop to my knee
life simply fading into nothing
the echoes my last words falling
on this sea of dreams
my heart unable to go on
i sink into void

truth is for prophets and madmen
to the rest of us it remains a hidden treasure
even poets

The First Degree Of Dislocation

sheets of cold october rain race across newly paved streets
washing away tiny multi-colored fragments of my soul
as the water rushes to it's certain destination
one truth smashes against my nearly drowned emotions
i am nothing without you
i am nothing without you
i am nothing without you
i am nothing without you
i am nothing without you
i am nothing without you
i am nothing without you

The Wake-Up Poem

wretched watchers
waiting for wrath
wrinkled and worn
worthless worries
without the within
working for wants
why and/or why not?
washed up wiz-kid
walled and wincing
wondering and wailing
wearing less woven
wanton wrapping
who or where
whoa i’m wasted
winter witches
will water
whip the waiter?
won’t you whisper
when it’s windy
won’t you?
won’t you?
whisper to me softly when it’s windy
the why’s of this wandering wonder
and wish me secretly into your waiting
where the woven threads of love
will find you in the waking hours
wanting me to wrap my arms
around your weary soul

Someday The Stones Will Roll No More

disease transmitted from satellites
oozes into the wanting ears
of a generation succumbing
to the nanoness of the moment

all knowledge fades into oblivion
as the candy becomes the fruit
and the sense and sensibility of
rebellion are swept aside for
idols of a clean defiance
and the words “hail, hail rock and roll”
are just words written on blank stone

Golden Soul

you will never understand it

that is why he can never love you

if your walls of passion
were lined with 24k goldhe
would only steal your treasure
and walk away

for the gold is the only part
of your soul you value

Of What Once Was Never

keep me in this trance 
suspended in the jelly of your scared memory 
i'll live in those faded moments 
when you took me out to play in the rainy streets
of a night when the moon laughed and the stars danced

and i will hold forever in my eyes
the tears i wanted to cry for you
when you were too frightened by love
to accept the fate you turned away

so when the moon smiles down upon you
while the stars sway to a island rhythm
look for me swimming in the pools of regret
and drowning in the seasons of change

Memory Acid

in the cobweb lined corridor that leads to my past
the paintings on the walls have a portentous look
as if to say “don’t go through that last door

memory has such a foul odor
it putrefies the senses
and turns the stomach
the dried vomit of lament
reminds me of all my wrong turns

there stands the monument i made
a grand statue to commemorate my innocence
a castle of ashes, slowly decaying
into the sea of regret it overlooks
too many years of tears pouring from the sky
like acid they corrode the ramparts

the faces in the paintings now screaming
as my hand turns the knob
the door to another world
free from the missteps of my past
the door to-

an empty hallway
with paintings for me to hang


swept into the vortex 
my life inside this hell
dancing shadows of unspent desires taunt me
i am helpless

i have become a figurine upon the shelf of time
collecting dust
gaining no value 
save for my memories
i am alone

amputate my soul from this unacceptable existence
deliver me into fear 
for i have become the demon
i am unknown

Starlight, Star Bright, No Stars Tonight- Or Why I Need You In My Life

i can’t help it
i stand and stare into the night sky
wanting to bring them down
one by one
just to watch them
crash into the ground

Erected Existence

half-masted archaic insensitivity swallows the feelings of chaos that materialize in particles of atomic dreams
built in living rooms where god once crashed on the couch
you know the one 
over next to the wall
the one we used to cover up the black box of lies intended to reach him by osmosis

he woke before dawn
put his travelin/madman face on
grabbed a cup of coffee and told us
he was going out to find himself

rolling textures of middle class sensibility creep into my unconscious thoughts covering the walls with pastel
and fusion cleverly discovering the creation of self through the use of my clutched grip choking the truth
from myself trying to find the meaning of alone before he comes back and discovers.....

she was the life of the party
and no one could take her place
she was the life of the party
she of the suffering face
now she comes to you
like a divine tiger waiting
sniffing for the sweetest flesh
for consumption or mating
she doesn’t care
she doesn’t care
she doesn’t care which comes first
just as long as she plays

drop down
drop dead
drop to your knees
drop down
drop dead
come see me bleed

take away
another day
find a lay
forget the way
cash crop
ransom drop
clean up 
time to get a mop
someone find the hostess
tell her to get the waitress
he’s come to get another cup
and all the kitchen has is decaf
i guess it doesn't matter then
pay the check and on the road again

just don’t expect a tip

cause he’ll say he’s just a little thin

on and on it goes
damn it man you’ll never win
just give it up and go back home
don’t you know you were better off alone

isn't this where it all began

open up your squinted eyes
and start this whole thing over again

My Addiction

mystic apparitions fly above
the moon is blood red
light disappears into obscurity
endlessly falling toward hellish ecstasy
my passion for pleasure consumes
i am bound to the feeling
i can't stop wanting more
grotesque beauty awaits me
searching for a higher plane

obsession of sensation


we wait lifetimes
searching for meanings
lost in the dance of submission
crawling along in labored suffering
led to the pool of devastation
taught to drink by men of honor
held by a thirst for answers
unaware the water blinds the truth

To Forever Again

candlelight meeting
once upon an evening
hand in hand
and back to forever again

almost to the end
of an endless song
she whispers in the
cool autumn air
“please remember me”

so i write these lines
in hope of stirring her return
to my land of mystery
and we can walk
back to forever again

Unconditionally 42

when this rumble inside my chest stops
i will have 42 days to declare my love for you
42 days

that's how long i plan to live
after the last sunset falls into the ocean
42 days

on the 21st day
i'll turn my back on you
42 days

on the 31st day
i'll lend you a hand
42 days

and on the 41st day 
i'll make love to you by the fire
until the sea boils with anger
and the moon crashes into the sun
the forest will scream in horror
as each creature turns on one another
in one last sacrifice to nothingness

on the 41st day 
i'll make love to you
and fall asleep in your arms

42 days from now

she tells me
“there are no female angels”
and i smile

this long conversation
reaching out to me
over the vast expanse of love
i can’t help but wonder
how does her hand feel
when it’s enclosed in mine

i ran all the way to your house
just to tell you what i had remembered
but you were not home

so i waited

an hour

then another

27 days past me by
and i couldn’t understand
why you hadn’t returned
i waited so long i forgot
what i had ran there to tell you
today was the 42nd day
and i remembered
how your hand felt
enclosed in mine
today i remembered
i have 42 days
to return
this angel to heaven


System Failure
Restart Y/N?


this message will remain here permanently until a time designated in the original message given to the keeper of the light

it was in the 42nd moment of the 42nd day of the 42nd year after the last word was spoken from the evolved man that this poem was conceived, sent back through time and placed in a pre-determined location 
where those who might grasp the meaning would find a way to break the cycle and keep the angels here on earth for they are our only hope.....

young man there are female angels

you hold one in your arms

learn how to love unconditionally

Restart  Now 

White Noise

i listen for your voice on the wind
all i hear is static
so, this must be the end

just what kind of love was it?
pretty pink flowers dot the highway
as i drive with reckless abandon
searching for the right tree to hit

i listen for your voice on the wind
as if you were some angel
no, there are no angels in my sin

no angels
no heaven
no fate
no god

just the sound of my wheels spinning ‘round 
a soft soothing sound
the way your voice feels
like white noise carrying
me off to sleep forever

end transmission.....

My Frankenstein

i can feel its presence
slow and methodical
never stopping, never tiring of the hunt
the stench of its raw breath
over my shoulder
i fear
i fear
nearer to the end i fear

i am caught in the viciousness of its trap
the beast from the darkest depths
dear god what is this hell i've created

i am prisoner to its evil
and yet drawn to its power
the seizure of my very soul
i fear
i fear
nearer to the end i fear




The Sacrifice

a man walks into a dark alley
knowing his fate
the bullet that kills him
will be fired from his own gun
his death will bring light
into all the hidden corners
that darkness covers so well
he has sacrificed much more
than the life in his veins
he has sacrificed a past rich in memories 
but prevented a future filled with despair
is there room in heaven
for martyrs of the heart?


my clothes were clean
and my shoes were new
as i stepped onto the highway
prepared to catch some ambition
or get lost on the endless white line
whichever came first

how was i to know?
how was i to know?

you were chasing the fleeting hope
the long highway pretends to conceal
now, i can’t shake you long after you’re gone
and this bewilderment i left at home
has found me standing all alone
soiled and worn
facing the cold road of my final days

how was i to know?
how was i to know?

i was still looking for you

Follow Her

she flows into layers of uncharted mystery
searching for the essence of spirit
(i cannot follow her)
gliding through the madness of silence
that falls down on my world
(i cannot follow her)

deep in the nonplus of a haunted reality i plunge ever further into the fire of solitude and there is no release
from the torture of knowing the taste of despair
no turning away from the sounds of twisted voices that weave patterns of obsession in the spoiled air that
surrounds me
everything that once was in my grasp has fallen into the void of an intense blue mania that covers this now
hollow world

she flows into layers of uncharted mystery
searching for the essence of spirit
(i cannot follow her)
gliding through the madness of silence
that falls down on my world
(i cannot follow her)

drenched in the sacrificial blood of my martyred soul the tentacles of the beast in my visions reaches out to
test my grip this plane of existence
the hope that once was grounded by the presence of her flowered beauty has eroded in these long nights of
self persecution
as i willing give up my hold on this savage civilization filled with the assassins of truth i feel the warmth of
eternity gracing me as i now have found the way
to follow her

Monday, December 15, 2014


make ya
feel good all over
feel good all over
time to make ya

always in my back pocket
a little sprinkle of dreams
a little twinkle of good times
always in my morning rise

a dose of love in your smile
a little taste of sunshine
a little taste of expectation
always in your morning eyes

no, no, no that’s not right

i follow the curves of your beauty
closely inspecting the subtle spots where a man could lose his mind
my warm breath softly falls around the secrets your gentle movements conceal
the taste of your anticipation lingers on my tongue and excites my appetite

a little sprinkle of dreams in the morning
time to feel good all over

shall we begin? 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Remember Today?

it's all too soon you hear that cracking sound
and the shadows come racing across the ice
softly saying it will be alright

cause this is not the way you'll be coming back

remember the day hell froze over?
when whispers fell like snowflakes and the tears of the angels danced around our words

because today is a bleeding heart pouring empathy over the cauldron of time
because today is a martyr sleeping in the doorway of regret
because today is the twist of lime in a glass of dust

remember the day the levee broke?
after the demons went to lunch grumbling about the mandatory overtime we caused

faintly in the distance you hear the cracking
restless emotions scan the area for shadows
no, that is certainly not the way back

moving forward into the past
tripping into hello when we can’t seem to remember how to say goodbye

because today is never coming back

Monday, October 20, 2014


clinging to that quiet inspiration flowing along the underground river of love lost in the moments of silence
sing to me in that catastrophic tone
dream to me in that moment alone
don't remember me when it's too late
the weight of love is a single grain of sand
the albatross is a beautiful bird when you let it fly
sipping from a bottomless cup of desperation in a dimly lit cafe of fading choices that have lived and died while you shivered in fear
dream to me in that muddled color
sing to me in that softly spoken flavor
some feelings never fall away (persephone)
some flowers bloom in the darkest night (persephone)
the only mystery worth unlocking is you (persephone)
in the heart of the never persephone dreams of one day
maybe today
but only when you open your eyes
the rain shatters the stillness of the pavement as the hue of life runs away from the tail lights of vacant dedication
persephone cries into the dawn

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Twenty Second Street Confessions

part one

but it's still like a flash in my memory
you know one of those quick shots of some tyler durden looking character
except, except i know who it is and he's a she
so yeah i've been there before i can sympathize with you on that


no, no i wasn't trying to bring up any bad thoughts just thinking out loud
you know... reflecting

(but sometimes you just need to go to sleep)

sure, but think about how much fun is it to stay up and watch all the fools pass by you
those unfortunate seeds of mistakes, accidents or affection refused people who think they have it together

(so tell me about her)

not much to say really
she was something special then she wasn't
that how we all are somebody one day something the next


yeah, now think about this before you throw out some bullshit about everyone being special or whatever crap you were taught to say

(taught by who?)

you know who
now listen
we all start out basically the same
little screaming hunks of life that needs round the clock attention
about 90 percent of us get it
then as time goes on we think we need less and less
but then one day we wake up and say
oh shit!
i really need love, acceptance or hell i don't know, but we need and guess what?
the fucking world has moved on pal
someone to something

(so was she someone or something?)

you would like me to say i'm the judge of that wouldn't you?
that kind of statement would make it convenient for you, huh

(not really)

so then what do you want me to say?

(tell me why you thought she ........

her hair was black as night
never made up to be pretty cause that's just how she was
her skin was alabaster and smooth but her hands had become hardened to the life she lived
like her heart would one day become
i can still remember the first time and the last time i felt her body under mine
but it was never how i dreamt it and it never would be

dreams are scary

part 2

yeah, well i never wanted people to run from me

(then why do you insist on frightening everyone?)

it just comes naturally i guess
and you know most people need to be frightened
that's what's wrong with this place there is no fear
your people have stripped it all away

(my people?)

don't be cute
you know who i'm talking about
yeah, see at one time fear was everywhere
on the tv, in the newspapers
the streets were full of fear
then one day all these people decided they had enough
they thought nothing could be worse than what cnn was broadcasting and re-broadcasting every hour up-to-date real time
cnn-the fear sponge

(and you want to give people back their fear?)

oh, i never said they lost it they just chose to stop being afraid
big difference

(does fear turn you on?)

now you're at it again trying to catch me in some metaphorical trap
look it's like this- christopher lee, you know he played a monster blood lusting, undead, spawn of evil and people cheered for that shit man you know they love it when the vampire comes up from the grave
or some stupid shit like that people go nuts and do you think he ever regretted being the bad guy?

(yes, but he didn't......

her stillness wrapped around my soul and consumed my desire for more
i became fixated on her naked body
in her sleep she was most beautiful
i could follow the contours of her body for hours without ever touching her
but she would never feel the way i dreamt she would feel

feelings can be deceptive

part 3

(why so quiet?)

just thinking

(really, about what?)


(chimps, do you like chimps?)

who gives a rats ass about if i like fucking chimpanzees
see it's that kind of crap that makes me wonder

(about what?)

ok, you take your family to the zoo to see the chimpanzees
man you know, all running round making people laugh
if all those people only knew
why can't you fucks leave the chimpanzees alone?


your kind of people
i know what you're hiding

(who's kind of people? and what are they hiding?)

fucking chimps
you can't get more human without being human
they are closer to us than gorillas
and what do you people do?
drug them up
selectively breed them so the common person never knows

(knows what?)

in the wild chimpanzees are vicious
they are predators
damn good ones too
but we can't let joe blow and his little bratty kids know that can we?
in the wild a chimp will prey on weaker chimps and monkeys
committing acts of torture and violence
sodomy, blood drinking
some of those little bastards
will even rip the flesh right off of some puny runt
but don't let little tommy know that
i'll fucking tell you why
so certain portions of our society who like to keep the facts hidden
can continue that bullshit about man being evil and the only predators who hunt for fun or sport or just because we need to hunt

(need to hunt?)

how many fucking times do i have to tell you
i'm not going to be tricked by clever god damned word play

(i'm not trying to trick you)

whatever man
look, it's all about keeping up the facade
you know don't let bob everyman know the truth

(what truth?)

that we are all the same

(no, that's not true. not everyone.....

i can still remember the sparkle in those deep brown earthen eyes
i remember every second as her pupils widened with the sensation
my eyes were wild with anticipation

the eyes are the gateway to eternity

part 4

(so do consider yourself the alpha-male?)

what, just because i talk for a bit about fucking chimps you think i'm going to fall for that fuckin question?

(i don't think that's a loaded question)

well of course you don't man and it probably isn't
but my answer..... yeah, my answer makes it a loaded question

(how so?)

ok, so if i answer it, yes then there you have it the world makes me out to be some panzram shit bag but if i say "oh no i follow my instructions" then i become some berkowitz fuck
and i'll have wave after wave of conspiracy assholes hounding me forever

(was it not fame you were seeking?)

you know you are really pissing me off with those fucking questions
haven't you got anything better..... fame..... big friggin deal, man what's fame about?
think about it... ask the first person you meet on the street "who's carl panzram?"
and they won't have a clue
but you take some whiney little turd like old son of sam..... what a fuckin tool

(do you admire carl panzram?)

oh that's good try to slip one in on me didn't you?
panzram was a big monkey who was bored
no education
no social skills
he was the 800 pound gorilla besides he had no style


yeah, no style hell, he didn't even like women
all brute force, no grace

(so grace is........

she was so tender there, in my hands
a pure vision of serenity
so peaceful so precious
if only i could keep her this way forever

but, serenity is just an illusion

part 5

it will be dawn soon

(yes, i know)

how much longer does this need to go on?

(that depends on you)

you know i came in here with a specific purpose
a clear cut goal

(and now?)

oh, i still have the same goal it just seems so.... so god damned distant

(ever wonder what her goals were?)

fuck man
who cares
she didn't care
the only goal she had was getting her hands on some good weed and a stiff cock
it's what her life had come to

(someone to something?)

i guess you could say that

(so now what?)

like i have the fucking answers to life
it all means shit in the end
your born you die
for a few years in between you eat and fuck drink and scheme hustle for whatever happiness you can steal

(so all happiness is stolen? who is it stolen from?)

it's like a never ending ladder
she stole it from her parents who would on occasion steal it right back
then she would need to go out and steal it from someone who would take it back in the morning
she would run home to grift it again from old mom and dad
only to have it taken from her later that day by her dealer
so she could go out with her pseudo happiness
have it stolen while she knelt before the guy who robbed her
it goes on and on until one day it's no longer happiness
just a flutter of desire for it

(so this will bring her happiness?)

i could feel her pulse in the throbbing of her neck
as the cool sounds of the night filtered through the room
it was an act of desperation
it was an act of

part 6

(and her happiness? will she be awake for this happiness?)
you know these clever ass questions are really starting to piss me off
and it damn sure isn't going to do any thing to help your cause

(my cause?)

if i didn't have these damn shackles on you would be the first in this room to go
this bullshit interrogation has made me realize i just don't like you
in the wild your chimp ass would be augured out and your skin would on my wall

(so, you would like to kill me?) 

unlock me and you will sure as fuck find out

the key he tossed was
more freeing than the
smoothness of her touch
in the days before the sadness
before her freedom broke her

freedom is never free

part 7

i was next to her once again
her warm body gently moving
the body responds even if the mind is numb

(i give you the keys and all you can do is fuck her while she's unconscious?)

you can fuck her while she's conscious, but you can't save her?

(that is why i brought you here. remember?)

then she will be awake for the rapture!
i won't kill you
just let you feel the eyes of the condemned on you forever
oh, that's right it's not condemnation to you
you believe this will set her free
tell me, how do you measure freedom?
how does it get rationalized in that educated head of yours

(i see you have a few trick questions yourself)

as her body stirred she was more beautiful
than the first time i watched her walk across the room
her warm smile
her earthen eyes once more had a light
her sigh was the feeling of safety
her eyes widened
as the force of our penetrations surprised her
one last time

she confessed her freedom
i confessed her deliverance



Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...