Monday, December 28, 2015

Midnight Blues

hey, it's midnight
coughing up the muddy sounds of another lost vision and creeping through the fog of loss
hey, it's midnight
throwing stones at the headlights of damnation and smiling with the clowns in my pocket

midnight- don't you know me
midnight- will you ever forget her

hey, it's midnight
falling down the drunken staircase into yesterdays shadow and leaving tomorrow in the empty hall
hey, it's midnight
davey ruby's is calling for his share of the poverty and asking about chances of an early invitation to the other side of life

midnight- remember all the sunshine
midnight- remember all the rain

(warmer in the circle of the shadows that flirted with dreamers searching for heaven) midnight
(hunger in the passion of the fringe that swept love off its feet) midnight

midnight- running from the sunrise
midnight- standing in the singularity

hey, it's midnight
hold me and all the past will wash away
hey, it's midnight
and i'm waiting for this moment in the pale light of the love that will never die


feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall
(here's something to make you happy)
feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall

crossing the precipice
dealing in death again
walking to indigo
freezing in hell begins

fourteen is twenty-two
my mind ingesting the clues
coroners uncovering green
sound is swallowing now

feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall
(here's something to make you happy)
feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall

spinning inside the vacuum of time the music grinds on without a sign- cataclysm
leaving and lying within the measure of trying to find the source of your crime- genesis

deeply sowing the seed
crawling toward light speed
creatures spring from belief
no one to take the wheel

withered and gasping
concealing the mastering
over and under the gun
never to taste the wine

feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall
(here's something to make you happy)
feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall

turn out the light

Love Freedom Magic

as the words go down on the water and dreams begin to flicker
along the shore the red queen dances around her alter while armies of desire march on

freedom is a magic few understand

the drums sound loudly echoing through the canyons of regret
and ring through the mountains of lost chances providing a score to the upcoming conquest

freedom is a magic few ever touch

magic comes from dreams lonely people never slept through
magic comes from dreams foolish people tried to live
magic comes from the empty spaces between lovers and friends

as the voices come over the water and shimmered dreams retreat
into the morning dew the red queen smiles as she greets me with a kiss

freedom is next to love

and freedom sleeps next to me

Shadow Love

i remember the night i held you in my eyes
i've never been closer to the edge
there is a darkness in your hue that sends me into a river of madness
i want to touch your sin
i want to be inside your shadow

i remember the morning i held your hand
i was falling over precipice
there is a space in your decadence that I must fill
i am your sin

i am within our shadow

Fragile: Handle with Care (My Venus de Milo)

you chose to play this game-
play it fair
the reaction to your action may shatter your hypothesis
don't break her heart
don't break her heart
you chose to play this game-
see it through
keeping your intent behind a veil will only hide the beauty of tonight

you chose to play this game-
play it fair
breaking the damn of desire will drown you when you cling to the anchor of doubt

don't break her heart

The Madness of Your Love (Meeting the Devil Along the Passage of Time)

looking for the way to go
down in front the movie plays a little slower
the gunshot of drama resonates a little louder
looking for the way to go
your heart beats at an uneven tempo
the perspiration of truth beads on your brow

the way to go
a journey into the madness of your love
the way to go
a quest for all the desires in the kingdom of your nighttime

looking for the way to go
a chance meeting with the devil changes the pace
his smile was more comforting than you expected
looking for the way to go
the warmth of darkness was a fascination you could not resist
inside the seasons of abandon the future consumes the weak

the way to go
indecision made me father to the whore of time 
the way to go
a map to the mystery of innuendo that leads to my salvation

the way to go 
i have received my passage to heaven through the depth of your passion
the way to go
was always in your arms


in the glorious dawn of remembering
a victorious night of manhood
still drenched in pools of sweat and lust

you devoured my newest proposition
and left me convulsing in spasms of ecstasy unbound

a shiver in the sunrise

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ark of the Future

speeding towards a destination unknown
on a mission of the highest order
light speed into the future

vortex of imagination in the center of the cross
a coordinate in the galaxy of invention
on we go into the uncertainty of another lifetime

bring us home

shock waves penetrate the universe
the darkness split in two
an eternity of wonder meets the end of a dream

brightly shining star on the horizon
warms the eden of a generation lost eons ago
impact the event horizon of a new beginning

and with the seed now sown
chaos reborn

she brought us home

Time Out of Love

if we fly into tomorrow
will the sunset reach us before we fall?
never to return is the empty promise of a rainbow
slipping into the horizon
bound for a glory trapped in the window of your mind
the child inside us sins against the dreams the adult hides
and you wonder why we can’t touch the divine until we die
if we fly into tomorrow
will we escape the torture of this time?

solitude isn’t the cure for people
it’s the prevention of crime in the heart of man
if we fly into tomorrow

will we save the love that dies today? 

Monsters and Good People (I See the Beauty in Your Shadows)

standing on the back porch of life
i see everything in the shadows
chloroform in my vision
snow on my control
i see everything in the shadows
coming from the west side of tomorrow
coming from the last rain of yesterday’s dream

the fear of his a hand on your back
the hidden fear is when it’s gone
now fold those promises for another time
neatly in the drawer next to love
the fear of no one watching has been your life's
a star may die for you tonight
a little bit of you died a lifetime of nights ago

standing on the back porch of life
i see everything in the shadows
mysteries and poetry in the struggle
creatures of the desolation roam
lost forever in the decaying mind of doubt
in the evolution of digital gods
i see everything in the shadows

feel this fear inside you
don’t think about when it’s gone
open up another book in the library of disease
turn to the chapter on you
the fear of no one watching is the greatest thrill of all
reborn into the watcher of a multitude of eyes
is the lie burning in your innocence

monsters one and all
you and i
monsters one and all
look left and right
monsters one and all
and i see the shadows in everyone

standing on the back porch of life
where i was born
where i never die

i see the shadows in everyone

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Waiting At Riverside

(at riverside) 
we all fall down as the ground reaches up to greet us 
(at riverside) 
the sounds of weeping swirls and the choir reaches out to hold us 

in the darkest shadows of timelessness the sound of memories and visions strike chords that become melodies 
emerging from the cacophony of regret the troubadour croons this new symphony of loneliness and i silently weep into my welcoming hands unaware of the invisible strangers who cast mystic shadows down the passages of my insecurity 

you are gone
blue vibrations slither into my sub-conscience becoming a helix of contradictions conspiring with wicked words to form the shapes of desolation that will spiral into the vanishing point while the seed of despair blooms under light of the autumn moon 

i’m alone 

with the water at my side i wonder 
as the world passes me by 
in the darkened assimilation of absence 

hollow eyes covet the intentions that will begin the rape of my psyche 
my empty arms clutch fading scenes of happiness in days long gone relegating me here in the space between living and dying the coldest place i have ever known 

my live inverted 

as my empty mind clutches arms that no longer hold me i sense new found shadows creeping ever closer to my center filling me with the cool subtle feeling that this simple space of tender earth is the last place i will ever know 

my life diverted 

as the ripples of time wash over me 
with the reaper of dreams approaching 
in the desolation of unknown thoughts 

(at riverside) 
we all fall down as the ground reaches up to greet us 
(at riverside) 
the sounds of weeping swirls and the choir reaches out to hold 
us now as the slow dissolve brings us to black 
everything comes together so neatly at the end of our film 
we watch as the colors and sounds invade our mind 
and we imagine-

just for a second that we are there in the movie holding onto something 
of what we’re not sure 
but there is something worth believing in 
worth living for 
and as the credits roll, the house lights come up 
we look around...... 
our perception has fooled us 
life never follows a script 

riverside is calling

Siege At The Palace Of The Lizard Prince

and once again i drift away 

it is this cold recess of the early winter chill 
that floats down from the northern regions 
giving me an all to familiar sense of unfathomable horror 
to know that within the seemingly tranquil night air lurks those unnameable creatures 
those takers of breath who stop at nothing in an attempt to consume the very fire of my existence 
i am alone in this fight 

i stand with every tendon stiffened to the point of intolerable pain 
poised for the next onslaught of terror 
the depths of which can know no description 
the whole of my being braced for another swirling decent into hellish madness 
another battle with the hideous beasts of a world that is driven by grotesque misery 

the hollow sound of bells shake the very foundation of the tower in which they reside 
sending tremors of dread along my once rigid spine as the bringers of chaos are unleashed 
they descend upon my sanity without remorse ripping at my mental state with a lustful vengeance 
i can not win this fight, the fiends of nothingness extinguish my life-force 
leaving my soul a mere portion for the foxes of the netherworld 

and once again the sunlight greets me

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Would You Like To Sell This Or Pawn It?

the wolf is standing in the doorway of time
and he so wants to eat
the wolf needs to make a deal-
but he does long for the good old days
when he could sink his teeth in your pretty flesh
the wolf needs to make a deal-
the wolf needs to make a deal-
the wolf needs to make a deal-
oh, but how tasty you would be
your life dripping from his fangs
the wolf needs to make a deal-
selling the promise of your desires
to the clown just beyond the doorway of time

the wolf is the infinite sadness
patient zero in this epidemic of despair
selling his desire long ago
a feeding tube pumps in the life with just a little endorphin kick
he feels like he’s on the hunt and that’s ok
until the muscles twitch and the nostrils flair
his fate now grounded-
clown cock in the back of his throat
a reminder of his subservience

back to the grind wolfie-

“college degree eh? would you like to sell this or pawn it?”   

Friday, August 28, 2015

Someday Monday Will Ask You To Join Sunday In The Memory Of A Dream You Never Had

go far away
go-until the sun comes up on your fear
and the bittersweet dreams you can’t believe turn to dust
sing a song low and hold the notes until they drip into the brew of life
let the melody ferment in rainbow villages the queen of sleep hides in the mist

go far away
go- so we can be set free of the blackbirds curse
and the shadow of the past you refuse to let slip into the night
sing a sin for the poets and madmen until the penance has been paid
let them come to the platform and condemn the king of fools for his sorrow

go far away stranger
to another land
wet the beak of lust and salvation
go far away stranger
roam this earth forever
learn the secret of consolation

go far away
go- preach to the winter winds that howl inside your mind
and banish them to a forgotten underworld you created
drop the puzzle pieces of truth into the well of yesterday
watch the ripples roll across the sky you painted for a lover in the rearview mirror

 go far away stranger
to never see me again
go away stranger

i wish to longer see me

Monday, July 13, 2015

Prelude In Dm

i’m watching you through the eyes of the cadaver
you have propped up in the corner of that special room inside your mind
things are not what you believe 
and this danger is more real than any shadow you may have chased away last night
into the valley of steely demons we run
and this is just the opening act


Look In The Mirror And Tell Me What You See

so you think you might be crazy-
you sleep with your eyes open
and run with the wild wind
but you know it’s not that easy
can you put the knife in to the bone?

so you think you might be in the sky-
you sing without knowing the words
and swim the rivers of chaos
but you know that’s not the reason why
can you skin the living with your hands?

so you think you might be at one with god-
you see the figures dancing in the corners
and you find the meanings of syllogizes
but you know it’s nothing you control
can you pull the stars down in the daytime?

so you think you might be me-
you see the bodies naked when they’re hidden
you touch the depth of strangers in disguise
but you’ve yet to reach precipice of madness
can you dive in the darkness and still find the light?

there are monsters in here-
and you are not the witch finder
and you are not the demon seed
there are monsters in here-
and you are not the bright light
and you are not the serpent inside
there are monsters in here-

so you think you might be a monster-
there is still only one face in your mirror  

Friday, May 22, 2015

Falling Down the Rabbit Hole of Tomorrow

uncertainly simple thoughts pour from her mind
sunshine breaks the dawn of her smile

the flow of her soul tells you another story
shadows of a an endless river night
loving may be all she wants to know in the heart of her swirling daydream
night passages to the heart of the quest wind down the road
of what she hopes will lead her into the arms
of one who will care forever
and into a lifetime of unbroken dawns
over the seas of adversity she sails
holding this dream in her heart
though the blunt and jagged rocks of heartbreak strands her momentarily
a new ship will set sail in the creeping sunrise

is the mystery the answer?
is the myth of tomorrow worth the cost?
only time can teach us the questions
only living can take us through the doorway of curiosity

on the winds of uncertainty she falls into the whisper of the darkness
the shadows of night bring the desire for a second chance
to walk the path or set out on a course unknown
having sex with a question of making love to a enigma
the choice we all must face under the stars of living

when the mystery wakes up to find the myth has gone 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Dreamer's Ball

a sensation dances inside the moment of a dream
a dreamer's vision of beauty unbound
she sways to the "one in a million chances" waltz
brilliantly she twirls through the clouds 
and the crowds floating with grace and beauty
sending earthquakes of anticipation through the ground she touches

the dreamer breathes faster with the notion of 
just one caress of her gentle hand 
how scrumptious the feeling of sharing the dance
to melt into the essence of her beauty
to feel the warmth of her flame burning this dance into the forever 

a mystic waltz in this dreamers desolation 
to release the anguish of a life lived at a distance
the moment fades as all too soon 
the alarm clock fucks me back to the reality....

of dreaming about a dance


because love is never simple
because love is never easy
or perhaps that's just us
who we are
i the extremist 
you the quiet mouse

because loving you has been so simple
because loving you has been so easy 
or perhaps that's just me
you the passenger on my roller coaster 
i the madman at the wheel

because loving me has been a puzzle
because loving me has been a tempest in a teacup 
or perhaps that's just you
i the doctor of dramatics 
you the actress on the stage

because life has never been a dream
except when we're alone
and the world can't intrude
that my dear is just us
we the frightened dreamers
holding onto each other 
because together we are something special
and nothing in heaven or earth can change that

just because.....may i kiss you?

Where the Master Lies

where the master lies
whispering into the thunder
holding the strings of prophecy 

where the master lies
in a tomb of reckoning?
atop a mountain of chaos?
within a fortress of darkness?

where the master lies
waiting for you

That Was Before Portland

i was moved by your willingness to give our life all your best
so stand beside me in the pouring rain 
never break down when we went on the run
when the senses numbed and my well ran dry you took my hand
you gave me cause 

that was before Portland 
when the engines failed 
and the big winds came
before Portland 
and another me found another you 
before Portland 

it was a cotton candy world 
we danced in moonlight 
in a sepia toned dream we ebbed and flowed
slightly less than heaven in a whirlpool of emotion
we caught the brass ring of tomorrow 

that was before Portland 
when the engines failed 
and the big winds came
before Portland 
and another me found another you 
before Portland 

you can hold onto dream until tomorrow
but you can't keep tomorrow from becoming yesterday 
any day
after Portland 

that was before Portland 
when the engines failed 
and the big winds came
before Portland 
and another me found another you 
before Portland 

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...