Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Closer Walk with Past and Destiny in the Valley of the Lion and the Lamb

i've danced and sang with sinners in the rain
and i've knelt with saints in the arms of pain
the rain washed the stains of sin much faster than the bruises on my knees ever went away

the hanging church
in the righteous sky
lofty in grandeur
we reach for salvation
we reach for redemption
we reach for identity
unable to know ourselves behind the mask of ceremony or beyond the pomp of allusion

the sinners never forget the life i lived in the warmth of the sun
the saints never remember the sacrifice of life undone
the sun forgave me for the sin of living in the shadow of my temptations much faster than the sacrifice i offered in the name of shame

we reach for salvation
in the cloudless sky
we reach for redemption
in the tears we cry
the hanging church
offers identity
if we cover ourselves in the robes of ceremony that creates the illusion of purity in the fear of eternity

the sinners embrace my humanity in the wake of the evil i
the saints shun my frailty in the birth the doubting i
in my breast pocket the receipt from the sinners for penance paid
in my wallet a writ of attachment from the saints for debts due

a man can walk with sinners
and be saved by grace
a man can walk with saints
and be burdened by guilt
the choice is clouded by endless litigation of who was wrong and who was once right in the courtroom of darkness and light
the verdict weighs heavy when the judge instructs the jury to consider the path of a man who has a past to be read and a future to write


only when you come up for air
lazy in loftiness
frantic in moodiness
simple plots undermined by complex ploys
this too ends in the well of medication
complete the contradiction or submit to the complications
only when you come up for air
when the dirt in your shoes makes its way deep into your soul
grime tracks showing in your tone when you smile and shake the hand of eternities salesman
this too ends in a well of madness
complete the accusations or submit to the implications
only when you come up for air
dreamy in purity
frantic in hunger
childhood abandons the man in the small hours when the cold hand of history strokes your heart
this too will end in the well of last rights
complete the obligations or submit to the benediction
only if you come up for air 

Sleep Nevermore

i kept my cards up close to my chest in a last ditch effort to walk away from this story alive
but you know what happens to non-believers preaching the phrases of madmen who climbed beyond the mountain's spire?

go on now my darling and say your last goodbyes

hold your head up high and don't let them see you cry
keep that first tear in until they see you fly
don't show them fear or give them a reason why

dance tonight on the knife edge of time in the dress you draped across my eyes

because you know what happens to lovers who refuse to bow on bended knee to the cycle of lies?

in this darkness take my hand and i will lead you to the alter of love and laughter and pain

and in that sunset of naked glory we'll burn so hot, so free and clean
wait not one second more for this last chance to be inside the starburst of grace
let my soul flow into your palace of lasting dedication and devote my words to your eternal flame

see the vanishing point of this solitary night and commit your sanctuary to my divine light

then hold me close as the small hours fade into the dawn and i will whisper goodnight
we've but one chance now- pull the trigger my angel in white 
see me slip away through the ripples in time 
don't you know i will always be the vision you can never deny?

the sun breaks through the vortex of myth

write my name on the parchment of mystery and hold it sacred
until we sleep nevermore

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode IX (When You Lay With Me)

just like silence breaking the golden dawn
a concerto for the deaf comes to mind
    -artwork for the blind-
drifting through time and space
a concept that could never be saved
the unconceived idea of a world balanced by light and shade

someday i will fade away
after the long winter's slumber is over
but it will be a wrinkle in the moment of your time... suspended in the detour of a dream

water never goes uphill unless it gets carried
true love never dies even after it gets buried
the undead never live unless they find love
your monsters will cry inside the closet
your angels will laugh under the bed
and my phantoms will sleep in the shadows as i become the mist of a recollection

written on the mirror in the guest bathroom of a palace inhabited by the ghost of a forgotten lust

so when my morning shadow crosses your face
these dreams shall rest in the silent fields of clover

Friday, January 5, 2018

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode VIII (The Journey Begins- Heroes and Villains in the Mirror of Tomorrow)

decembers rain falls cold
the brim of my hat overflowing
there are rivers of sorrow
and oceans of regret freezing tonight
but i weather this storm
-this torrent of shattered life-

the mystery of silence consumes me
the answers of sacrifice eludes me
the dreams of the symphony play into the darkness
the soul of artemis sinks into the shadow of circumstance

decembers rain falls cold
it forms in small pools around my shoes
the numbness grows and creeps to my heart
as the pain reminds me
the reckless summers of when we dammed the river
-we damned ourselves in unknown water-

the seed of depravity planted in the womb of abandon
one life given to the desire of wickedness
the soul of artemis consumed by the plot twist of fate


fate is a portal to madness
madness is a portal to divinity
divinity is a portal to immortality

we damned ourselves in the waters of madness
our conception in the pool of regret at the palace of sin
we damned ourselves in the waters of madness

december rain falls around me
cursed to be a statue of regret
until my brother returns with the sacrifice
until artemis is free
i will weather this storm

-this storm of confusion-

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...