Saturday, May 21, 2016

Obsidian Dream Suite Opus #12 (Not Where You Are Looking)

i’m not where you are looking
the simplest disguise fools even the seasoned eyes
it is within the crystalline chamber of the darkest night
not in this dimension or in this slice of time
i’m not where you are looking
because you are still looking for me

turn out the light
i want to be inside your shadow
because love is never simple

behind you

a sensation dances inside the moment of a dream
in a sepia toned dream we ebbed and flowed
a moonlight engagement

beside you

we fall down as the ground reaches up to greet us
a quest for all the desires in the kingdom of your nighttime begins
with the wolf standing in the doorway of time

i’m not where you are looking
the simplest disguise fools even the seasoned eyes
it is within the crystalline chamber of the darkest night
not in this dimension or in this slice of time
i’m not where you are looking
because you are still looking for me

these eyes go on seeing
sitting there in the visitors parking of your love
the marrow of my existence pours out

between you

i’m not where you are looking
because you are still looking for me

a mirror held up to my heart
after all the sorrow runs down my cheek
the drums sound echoing through the canyons of regret

inside you
is where i’m looking for me
in the crystalline chamber of your heart

not where you are looking

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Quarantine: Do Not Enter. This Species Dangerous to All Life Forms.

feed on dust
pray on rust
dying on the vine we suck the teat of plenty and never feel satisfied

feed on dust
pray on rust
dying on the vine we drink the nectar of knowledge and never learn

feed on dust
pray on rust
living in the sewer of vanity we crave the infinite and never taste the moment

feed on dust
pray on rust
living in the shallow end of freedom afraid to free ourselves from the ignorance our own simple pool

fed on dust
prayed to rust
spinning eternally on an isolated rock unaware of the warning signs posted for all intelligent life to see 

Watching My Words Sail the Seas of Chaos and Temptation and Dreaming of the Madness in the Method of Love Unbound

sometimes i write and write
on and on
not making much sense
only so i can watch the words disappear when i delete them

my words
being swallowed by the vacuum of time
my passion
being drawn into the void before it can bloom
my voice
swept away in a avalanche of insignificance

if only you could hear my whisper
how it fills the valley of solitude with a thunder that would make you shiver  
my breath is wasted
over spilled wine and decaying time
no hello could bring it back
no goodbye could remove the pain
this ache i have for the warmth of the sun
and the taste of your smile on my lips

and sometimes i write and write
on and on
making sense only to the voices in my head
so i can type them and make you wonder
my words
touching forbidden places in the darkness of another time
my passion
exploding in the depth of you soul
my voice
delivering the message of a dream

and i wonder if i should watch these disappear
before you can see me
standing in the corner of temptation-
the event horizon of disaster
or the moment of memory sealed in the vacuum of your mind 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Whisper on the Shadows (Dreaming of Selene)

a moonlight engagement
with the dreams and demons of desire
the invitation to drink the great orb's reflection
from the lake of lost memories

whisper on the shadows of visions i kept

something creeps on the missing truths
a face lost in the almanacs of winters shaded in time 
the voice of a thousand secreted autumns moves in the mist
formless in the swirling madness of my current mental state

whisper on the shadows of visions i kept

my gypsy past screams at the reflection i gaze into
the modern me too little of the gothic creature i remember
the creature i remember too little of the honesty i sold
my honesty screams at the gypsy who let go

whisper on the shadows of visions i kept

a lunar fantasy 
at the wheel of consequence
satellite infatuation 
a moonlight engagement
at the alter of insanity

in the arms of selene i slumber 
dreaming of the riddle i could never solve
of the rainbow i could never catch
in the arms of selene i remember

whisper on the shadows of visions i kept

my gypsy finds me on the brink of destruction
the final scene of a gothic tale i wrote eons before my birth
only my deception can save me now
will the plot twist of morning come too late?

will the whisper i wrote wake me before i fall? 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Some Stars May Have Planets Full Of Life Circling Them................Or Not

is someone’s social security number 
is someone’s visa number 
(visa, it’s everywhere you want to be, and a few places you don’t want anyone to know about) 
is someone’s telephone number 
not of anyone i know 
just random numbers 
like life 
ripe for the new fools of civilization to plunder

a mirror held up to my heart 
a photo you once took

hey timmy, i’ve got someone for you to meet 
his name is andrew 
he don’t talk much

i was playing in the dirt one day 
doing boy stuff 
building roads 
erecting buildings 
dropping firecrackers from model airplanes 
“bombing run complete”
“roger that, return to base” 
and a shadow appeared 
long and smooth 
with well refined lines 
she kissed me and ran home 
“caution: initial reaction to drug may cause lifetime dependency”

was the combination to my locker freshman year 
the only one who could remember it had huge breasts 
then she somehow knew the combination to the locker next to mine 
she then knew the number to a locker upstairs 
me and the guy in the locker next to mine 
took turns talking about those breasts 
the rest of freshman year

was the street address of my first time 
she felt like warm summer mist falling gently on my skin 
she was so surprised to hear me say “i love you” 
but not as surprised as i was, the words just slid out of my mouth 
like a skier plummeting down the slop of an unforgiving mountain 
or my heart the day the guy she left me for 
told me he was going to be a daddy

was the day i got married 
the day i thought my life was over 
much too young we were then 
but not as young as i feel today 
or as old as i felt the nights i made you cry 
but that’s behind us 
like random misadventures in a forest of selfishness 
i’m so glad you waited on me

is the day i’m writing this 
and i don’t really know why 
random voices i guess 
like numbers in a lottery 
wanting to be picked

we are all random acts of nothingness 
just waiting to be something

Sunday, January 17, 2016

All That Is To Come

don’t you get it? 

these swollen hands 
keep on working away 
never stopping to question 
the minds authority 
they just work 
work is life 
until the dust from which you came 
embraces you in a tomb 
of someone else’s choosing

don’t you get it? 

these eyes go on seeing 
all the misery they can consume 
never stopping to question 
if the action is real or if the 
pain is in focus 
they just view it 
pain is life 
until you have bled that color dry 
and can no longer pay 
what your mind charges 
for the pay-per-view life you have wasted

don’t you get it? 

a cold gray sky watches you 
as you crawl along 
the gritty street 
picking up pieces of 
shattered memories 
and promises left behind

don’t you get it?

Scenes From An Abandoned Drive-In

i sat there in the visitors parking of your love 
along with the other hearts lined in neat rows 
waiting to be test driven 
brought back to the lot 
and told the same lie wrapped in innuendo


if it wasn’t for the sex 
i would have taken the keys out 
walked into the sunset and laughed
“telstar” would have played 
as the closing credits rolled-
a perfect movie ending 
the clueless people exiting the theater 
shaking heads in bewildered disbelief

but no.... 
no that’s not my style

i gave the critics their money shot 
the audience gave an ovation-
some a tear 
you won the award for best deception 
and i won for best directed fool

Great Things To Be Learned By One And All

there was this old man down on the street 
his clothes were old 
with very worn shoes on his feet

he was just sitting 
as if waiting for some 
quiet wind of change 
to take him back 
from whence he came

so i asked him questions i thought fitting 
we talked about the weather 
and the latest of political endeavors 
i inquired the size of his shoe 
he said "about the same as you"

i walked a mile today

Burning Paper

like the snapping of bone 
your defenses open up 
the marrow of your existence pours out
into the preheated skillet of lust 
and without even knowing it was happening 
you’re fucked/fucking

make a wish and it may all go away 
make a choice and it may free your soul 
make it happen and the world may condemn you 
or become a blank page devoid of feeling 

the choice is yours
for the fire of mortality will burn you in the end 
without a second thought about who scribbled 
on the paper of you life

Sunday, January 10, 2016

I've Got This Eternity to Hide

don't tell me 'bout good times
don't tell me 'bout the smiles
i've been waiting for them in tears
don't tell me to enjoy this
don't tell me all the lies
i've been living them for years

after all the sorrow runs down my cheek
will there be a reason to stand up?
when the laughter comes too hard now
will anyone give a damn?

no- just leave me in a shoebox 
no- just leave me the shadow
i've got nowhere left to lie

don't tell me 'bout my triumphs 
don't tell me 'bout the times i tried
i've failed too much wonder why
don't tell me 'bout forgiveness 
don't remind me of my lies
i'll need them when i die

the ghost of reason lingers in the hall now
she knows it's time to stand aside
the voice of silence speaks to my battered mind-
"no one gives a damn"

yes- just leave me in the distance
yes- just leave me in goodbye
i've got this eternity to hide

please turn out the lights..good night

Poet Down! Medic!

true, the patient is full of disease 
no hope, no cure 
another dose of big words, doctor please 
dying slowly, for sure 

doctor, doctor come here quick 
physician grab your dictionary 
tell your nurse to suck his dick 
maybe that will end his commentary

Toe Song

it's 3am do you know where your toes are? 

grubby little toes stuck inside a sock 
squeezed into a shoe 

wouldn't it suck if your only friend was another toe? 
especially that big one, fucking mr. no-it-all or that tiny little piggy who goes wee wee wee all the friggin time thinks he's some kind of star 
your only happiness comes when one of them gets stubbed 
“serves you right you self centered a-hole, what do you think you are some kind of supertoe” 

life would be just plain shitty if you were a toe 
always in a jam 

it's 3am why the hell you wearing shoes?

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...