Sunday, October 20, 2019

Heart of Sickness (We Have All Faded Away)

she says go away
you're not a real boy
only the ghost of a dream
she can no longer imagine
but mommy
i can feel the tears splatter
when they hit the ground

opiated emotions living in a parasite box
opportunity jumps like a junkie when she hears the knock
loneliness and boredom call out like childhood friends playing in the snow
pick up the phone give the family a call
another thumbs up performance of the same old show
a fool in the window and a stranger in the mirror
no time to cry, no place to hide
perhaps another fuck will make the image clearer

she says go away
you're not a real husband
only the ghost of a dream
she can no longer imagine
but lover
i can feel the tears splatter
when they hit the ground

the new scars on your back seem to suit the princess
who dreams of being queen of the night
tell us
will you let us know when you have found love
that can be seen in truth's light?
chaos wrapped in doubt, the game of blame without the shadow of shame
will it be too late when you learn
who's love you can't live without?
regret of the past will not be killed by the anger of today
the secret of happiness is not in waging war with heartbreak
it is in knowing when to lay down your sword and walk away

she says go away
none of you are real
only the ghost of dreams
she can no longer imagine
but we can feel the tears splatter
when they hit the ground

there are children and lovers lying in the earth you moved
there are children and lovers crying in the love you refused
and soon they will all fade away
and soon we will all fade away

keep on dreaming princess and you will have peace some day
your throne room will be empty and silent as a tomb
the ghosts of love and family seated on your right
the specters of doubt and fear on your left
your subjects, we will all have become 
vague pixelations of distant memories

into the heart of sickness
we have all faded away  

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode X (The Demise of Artemis Dobro and the Birth of Lucian Nighthawk)

the sky rumbles, twisting and churning in me the color of occhiolism never the story you wish to tell
i touched grace and vengeance in orgasms of sound
flew with pixies and danced with angels
but it was never enough
never enough to sway the masters of fate
your true beauty i could never reach
your purity i could never become
my darkness you could never hold

dawn is ever fleeting
dreams are but shadows in the palace of my past
come now-
the hour of my death is at hand
resurrection planned

projectionist load the reel
ushers bring the house lights down
the long night of my soul is about to begin

and then i felt the mountains crumble
the seas swirled in agony
the moon, it split before my eyes and bled 
pouring my soul over the cosmos
you did not feel me as i expired
you did not hear my song
spiraling into another realm
driving into the chaos

let this be the time of burning
burn my history on the cross of loneliness
and anoint me as i fade away

anubis, cleanse my essence and protect me though this journey
osiris grant to me the stillness of the darkened sky and ferry me 'cross the river
isis, thy womb be the cradle of the reborn i
horus, gaze upon me with your knowing eye and with your chariot deliver me to the palace of nestor for i must drink with dionysus and copulate with persephone before my time in this ethereal realm has past

arise! lucian nighthawk! arise!

the last reel loaded, the credits roll
house lights flicker into being
another story to be told

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Dawn of My Dreams

her eyes rise to the heavens
with determination and a smile
she has been called to action
somewhere there is darkness
somewhere there is pain
an exhausted mother asks why
a child alone and afraid begins to cry

she is just a woman- flesh and blood
but she is wondrous
sunny is the darkest day when she works her plan

her heart surveys the crisis
her faith leads her heart
this is her battleground
the loss and the trauma
the broken and weak
with a handbag full of magic
and a wonder pup at her side
she lays out her plan to work
healing hearts and minds of those who need

she is just a woman- with burdens and fears
but she is wondrous
sunny is the darkest day when she works her plan

her eyes rise to the heavens
and her laughter brings the joy
her determination is her strength
her strength comes from her calling
leading with a gentle hand
healing with a soul as vast as the universe
the dawn of my dreams and the dawn of hope for others

she is just a woman-
and she is wondrous

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...