Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode VII (A Dove in My Hand)

it was in the slow heavy days of august
i watched the tragedy unfold
a tidal wave of sorrow filled with a singular rage
a focused purpose

her majestic grace would falter as each new torrent battered without mercy
in my soul i could feel the tears she refused to cry

her wings clipped
she could not escape

her spirit slowly faded
until one day she let the hurricane of emotions swallow her
as her last whisper left rose in defiance
i wished her peace as i unlocked the shackles

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode VI (The Strange Birth of Artemis Dobro)

into the den of steely eyed monsters
i enter with my hands on my head
and my head on a pike
my heart exposed to the beasts 
and the beasts exposed to the blood on my soul
all it's poison flowing wildly
in this chasm of decadence
where i have come to worship

faces in the gallery distorted in perverted ecstasy
my hands placed on sacred flesh
guided by forces i yet do not understand
the rites of debauchery continue
as worlds are opened up to me
worlds of pain and pleasure
worlds of time and memory
memory and pleasure
pain and time

on this plane these worlds collide

the faces in the gallery my recollections
 the monsters my infinite desire
the beast am i
the poison consumed on the day of my birth
it is the wine of my being
and from this truth i shall not hide

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode V (Should Rebels Live to See Fifty?)

i still carry a little book with my poems
these days it's blue instead of black
and the tones are a little more grey

is it time that mellows
or is it the punishment time deals out in waves?
the endless sorties flown by the pilots of indecision?
perhaps the barrage of artillery from the gunners of doubt?

all i know is one day i woke up and the black book was too heavy

the stones of age and dysfunction grind slowly but with certainty
the harvest of this autumn is fear
and this winter will last forever

did all of your words get written?
how many lines left in the canyons of wasted days?
what good did you leave undone in the stillness of nights forgotten?

so i scribble away
line after line
blue notebook this year
maybe yellow next
and pink the year after
finally one day it may be white

-the year i give up the ghost-
-the year the voices stop-

-when i can no longer hear babies cry or women sigh-
-when my rebellion is a fuzzy memory-

and my salvation no longer sleeps next to me

Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Mate Burst

subtlety glides
vibratory divides
wishing fools do meet
(don't you want to)
holy water
lonely squatter
washing undeserving feet
(don't you want to)
english teachers
southern preachers
sinking admiral watches fleet
(don't you want to)
spanking fetish
with teenage twist
all for beating meat
(yes, you want to)

Looking Through Squinted Eyes

some people like feet
some prefer hands
leather straps and whips
metal objects can be grand
some taboo
some left unspoken
some we just shouldn't think about
 else a therapist we'd be seeking
pocket clingy's
latex thingy's
a harness for swinging
fun and ritual just a bit institutional mostly unconventional
all for one extreme moment
and then it begins all over again

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...