Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Picture You Paint

as i grasped my quesadilla
warm and gooey
cheese dripping
i had a sudden thought
i smiled in satisfaction
i could hear the screaming of dear bessy
powerful suction hoses viciously tugging at her udders
i chuckled in amusement at the thought of uterus forcibly spread open to receive sperm she didn't ask for
poor girl didn't get a kiss
and i laughed a mighty roar

i looked upon my chicken burrito
plump and juicy
i briefly wondered why henry cabot henhouse III
didn't swoop in and save this lovely lady
and i remembered super chicken was a cartoon
as i delighted in this birds flavor
i was brought to tears of laughter by the faint echos
of chicken sobs

and then it hit me
a flash of insight so profound i was taken aback

this is the picture YOU paint of me
YOU paint of me out of hatred
hatred for my lifestyle choice
there is no hatred from me over YOUR lifestyle choice
no protest from me in defiance of YOUR philosophy

so while YOU stand side by side with me on choices
such as freedom of 
YOU abandon me when i choose to have a steak

the picture YOU paint of me is a monster
the picture YOU paint of YOURSELF
is hypocrisy 

Saturday, September 2, 2017

The Last Slice of American Pie

firm and round
full and smooth
the storefront mannequin had wonderful tits didn't she?

we rode through the frosty night
past sleepy farms and axle bone yards
forgotten memories of an america well lived
the dreams of an empire swept under the tidal wave of lightening we hold in our hands
a trip to yesterday planned in the wee hours of today
a search for one last adventure
possibly a chance to find the answer we missed all those years ago
maybe even touch the infinite we always knew was just down that creepy looking road over there...

blank and emotionless
empty and coarse to our eyes
someones decency had the mannequin removed a few years back
goodbye baseball
goodbye hot dogs
goodbye chevrolet
goodbye pie
all deemed too offensive for sensitive viewers

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Shades of Icarus Blue

take the night
take the day
just take me away
crash the midnight flight

once upon a time i could run
once upon a time i could chase the sun
once upon a time....
 ....was a long time ago

the long nights have settled into fiction
river of dreams runs blood red in the troubled dawn
summer days squeezed into packages
good times stacked and loaded into boxcars bound for never
memories linger in flights of fancy stuck in holding patterns over an unfulfilled life

take the night
take the day
just take me away
crash the midnight flight

once upon a time we could linger
once upon a time we laughed at danger
once upon a time....
....was a story book ago

without seeing
without feeling
without the chance of falling we all fly too high

take the night
take the day
just take me away
crash the midnight flight
i don’t want to fly any more

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Unique is the Serenity That Can Be Found it the Flames of the Uncharted Night

the faces of a thousand memories flicker and dance around the embers of your soul
peace seems to be a forgotten word you scribbled in a time from beyond the ability to feel
the hues of red and orange mingle with the blue that resides in those corridors you long ago walled off

“why tonight?” the mind is a terrible thing to taunt when we wander the rooms alone

the surrounding black seems so eager to listen to the hiss of chances sizzling deep inside the flame
as if demanding an encore, you halfheartedly consider performing while another log is tossed along with the lingering hope of tonight ending differently than the infinity of nights you wish you could change

“why tonight?” the soul longing for an answer is often cheated by the crushing dawn

in this nighttime world of battered ego and bruised intentions reflection can consume when the mirror is ablaze with questions we save for these moments, these command performances of doubt that fester in the daylight of our world, these puppets of madness that sway with the beat of our own fear

“why tonight?” because each night is the death of sunshine desires and the promise of another day to get it right 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode VII (A Dove in My Hand)

it was in the slow heavy days of august
i watched the tragedy unfold
a tidal wave of sorrow filled with a singular rage
a focused purpose

her majestic grace would falter as each new torrent battered without mercy
in my soul i could feel the tears she refused to cry

her wings clipped
she could not escape

her spirit slowly faded
until one day she let the hurricane of emotions swallow her
as her last whisper left rose in defiance
i wished her peace as i unlocked the shackles

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode VI (The Strange Birth of Artemis Dobro)

into the den of steely eyed monsters
i enter with my hands on my head
and my head on a pike
my heart exposed to the beasts 
and the beasts exposed to the blood on my soul
all it's poison flowing wildly
in this chasm of decadence
where i have come to worship

faces in the gallery distorted in perverted ecstasy
my hands placed on sacred flesh
guided by forces i yet do not understand
the rites of debauchery continue
as worlds are opened up to me
worlds of pain and pleasure
worlds of time and memory
memory and pleasure
pain and time

on this plane these worlds collide

the faces in the gallery my recollections
 the monsters my infinite desire
the beast am i
the poison consumed on the day of my birth
it is the wine of my being
and from this truth i shall not hide

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode V (Should Rebels Live to See Fifty?)

i still carry a little book with my poems
these days it's blue instead of black
and the tones are a little more grey

is it time that mellows
or is it the punishment time deals out in waves?
the endless sorties flown by the pilots of indecision?
perhaps the barrage of artillery from the gunners of doubt?

all i know is one day i woke up and the black book was too heavy

the stones of age and dysfunction grind slowly but with certainty
the harvest of this autumn is fear
and this winter will last forever

did all of your words get written?
how many lines left in the canyons of wasted days?
what good did you leave undone in the stillness of nights forgotten?

so i scribble away
line after line
blue notebook this year
maybe yellow next
and pink the year after
finally one day it may be white

-the year i give up the ghost-
-the year the voices stop-

-when i can no longer hear babies cry or women sigh-
-when my rebellion is a fuzzy memory-

and my salvation no longer sleeps next to me

Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Mate Burst

subtlety glides
vibratory divides
wishing fools do meet
(don't you want to)
holy water
lonely squatter
washing undeserving feet
(don't you want to)
english teachers
southern preachers
sinking admiral watches fleet
(don't you want to)
spanking fetish
with teenage twist
all for beating meat
(yes, you want to)

Looking Through Squinted Eyes

some people like feet
some prefer hands
leather straps and whips
metal objects can be grand
some taboo
some left unspoken
some we just shouldn't think about
 else a therapist we'd be seeking
pocket clingy's
latex thingy's
a harness for swinging
fun and ritual just a bit institutional mostly unconventional
all for one extreme moment
and then it begins all over again

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode IV (The Book of Chaos Has A Ghost Writer)

where does your pain reside?
where do your teardrops hide?

in the fleeting evaporation of a smile
conflict fires the machinery of your mind
wishing the feeling could last forever
and damning the warmth for ever rising in your head
and equal love and hate for the pain that rules your life
the fear of and the longing for
a simple permanent release
to caress the desire you see in the distance
but refuse to run toward

where do your teardrops hide?
where does your pain reside?

in days long since past your gaze at the stars
brought you the warmth of the possibilities
reaching into the infinite 
a wondrous world of dreams on dimensions unbound
this cast aside child eternal now lives forever inside
the distorted creature who stumbles
with the simple act of remembering
the location of a parked car

the four D's of every mans personal apocalypse
illuminates your path today
doubt- in every step forwards and back
defeat- in every memory that remains
disillusionment- in every promise broken by you and those who passed you by
dementia- in every word never written and every idea left on the floor

where does your pain reside?
where do your teardrops hide?

in the place we refuse to reach
in the place we refuse to illuminate
in the place forgiveness fears to tread
in the place where dreams die


The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode III (Tin Can Tumbleweeds)

cars on the highway
rolling prisons of our own design
the freedom of the open road
now it owns our very soul

here and there
some place never
here and there
going nowhere

hold me back or let me fall
the seeds of demise already sown
the speed may kill us
but the agony of stillness swallows our essence

going nowhere

the expanse before us narrows
each time we turn our backs
on the reapers of dreams
the unchallenged future now so finite

going forever

and in all this cacophony of madness
we hear the faint whispers of humanity
 life, love, liberty and industry
distilled into a clear elixir of insanity

here and there
some place never
here and there
going nowhere

cars on the highway
the freedom of the open road
entombed in our hybrid prisons
a soulless trip to and endless end
wheels on the card go round
wheels on the car grind us down

humanity- the relentless pursuit of destruction

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode II (A Little Something About Being Broke)

driving (again)
on my way to work 
it was all in my head 
this story about something 
about me expounding on the wisdom of age 
and youth gone wild 
and other useless stuff 
a little something about being broke’s all gone now 
gone gone gone
gone gone gone

she wore her breasts as if they were made for reality TV
her clothes purchased at some boutique for whores- cleavage unbound 
she was asking me if she should tip the limo driver 
i almost gave her the “i don’t tip speech” from reservoir dogs 
but, could barely speak 

that is where this story went slamming onto the floor 
with the same destructive force as her damn jersey accent 
i swear i almost called her carmela and asked her where tony was 
but, she’s gone now
all gone now
gone gone gone
gone gone gone

blurry are the days of my youth roads walked 
and bridges crossed with so many stops along the way
all those stops and not once did i ever get directions 
but, that is how i found you and my voices 
and this job 
and carmela
and this search

it’s nice to know you will be there when i get home
whenever that may be

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Prelude (97 Miles)

it's 97 miles to toledo

the fresh asphalt gleans an opaque glow as the rain pours down

i'm chasing demons now

while the devil rides shotgun while fate is wrapped in plastic and tied up in the trunk

chasing demons
passing the memories that jam the slow lane

it's 97 miles to toledo

i wonder.... did i forget to close the regret?

wouldn't want any rodents getting in while i was gone

did i turn the love off?

or did i let it simmer until i return?

it's 97 miles to toledo

the devil, he tells me everything is

gonna be alright in the morning

just toss that body in the lake and let your worries take it on down

chasing demons into the dark


what room was i in? one door down from the sound of my sanity melting into the sunset room 16 could be an allusion would be an illusion  sho...