Saturday, May 21, 2016

Obsidian Dream Suite Opus #12 (Not Where You Are Looking)

i’m not where you are looking
the simplest disguise fools even the seasoned eyes
it is within the crystalline chamber of the darkest night
not in this dimension or in this slice of time
i’m not where you are looking
because you are still looking for me

turn out the light
i want to be inside your shadow
because love is never simple

behind you

a sensation dances inside the moment of a dream
in a sepia toned dream we ebbed and flowed
a moonlight engagement

beside you

we fall down as the ground reaches up to greet us
a quest for all the desires in the kingdom of your nighttime begins
with the wolf standing in the doorway of time

i’m not where you are looking
the simplest disguise fools even the seasoned eyes
it is within the crystalline chamber of the darkest night
not in this dimension or in this slice of time
i’m not where you are looking
because you are still looking for me

these eyes go on seeing
sitting there in the visitors parking of your love
the marrow of my existence pours out

between you

i’m not where you are looking
because you are still looking for me

a mirror held up to my heart
after all the sorrow runs down my cheek
the drums sound echoing through the canyons of regret

inside you
is where i’m looking for me
in the crystalline chamber of your heart

not where you are looking

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Quarantine: Do Not Enter. This Species Dangerous to All Life Forms.

feed on dust
pray on rust
dying on the vine we suck the teat of plenty and never feel satisfied

feed on dust
pray on rust
dying on the vine we drink the nectar of knowledge and never learn

feed on dust
pray on rust
living in the sewer of vanity we crave the infinite and never taste the moment

feed on dust
pray on rust
living in the shallow end of freedom afraid to free ourselves from the ignorance our own simple pool

fed on dust
prayed to rust
spinning eternally on an isolated rock unaware of the warning signs posted for all intelligent life to see 

Watching My Words Sail the Seas of Chaos and Temptation and Dreaming of the Madness in the Method of Love Unbound

sometimes i write and write
on and on
not making much sense
only so i can watch the words disappear when i delete them

my words
being swallowed by the vacuum of time
my passion
being drawn into the void before it can bloom
my voice
swept away in a avalanche of insignificance

if only you could hear my whisper
how it fills the valley of solitude with a thunder that would make you shiver  
my breath is wasted
over spilled wine and decaying time
no hello could bring it back
no goodbye could remove the pain
this ache i have for the warmth of the sun
and the taste of your smile on my lips

and sometimes i write and write
on and on
making sense only to the voices in my head
so i can type them and make you wonder
my words
touching forbidden places in the darkness of another time
my passion
exploding in the depth of you soul
my voice
delivering the message of a dream

and i wonder if i should watch these disappear
before you can see me
standing in the corner of temptation-
the event horizon of disaster
or the moment of memory sealed in the vacuum of your mind 

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...