Monday, March 6, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode IV (The Book of Chaos Has A Ghost Writer)

where does your pain reside?
where do your teardrops hide?

in the fleeting evaporation of a smile
conflict fires the machinery of your mind
wishing the feeling could last forever
and damning the warmth for ever rising in your head
and equal love and hate for the pain that rules your life
the fear of and the longing for
a simple permanent release
to caress the desire you see in the distance
but refuse to run toward

where do your teardrops hide?
where does your pain reside?

in days long since past your gaze at the stars
brought you the warmth of the possibilities
reaching into the infinite 
a wondrous world of dreams on dimensions unbound
this cast aside child eternal now lives forever inside
the distorted creature who stumbles
with the simple act of remembering
the location of a parked car

the four D's of every mans personal apocalypse
illuminates your path today
doubt- in every step forwards and back
defeat- in every memory that remains
disillusionment- in every promise broken by you and those who passed you by
dementia- in every word never written and every idea left on the floor

where does your pain reside?
where do your teardrops hide?

in the place we refuse to reach
in the place we refuse to illuminate
in the place forgiveness fears to tread
in the place where dreams die


The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode III (Tin Can Tumbleweeds)

cars on the highway
rolling prisons of our own design
the freedom of the open road
now it owns our very soul

here and there
some place never
here and there
going nowhere

hold me back or let me fall
the seeds of demise already sown
the speed may kill us
but the agony of stillness swallows our essence

going nowhere

the expanse before us narrows
each time we turn our backs
on the reapers of dreams
the unchallenged future now so finite

going forever

and in all this cacophony of madness
we hear the faint whispers of humanity
 life, love, liberty and industry
distilled into a clear elixir of insanity

here and there
some place never
here and there
going nowhere

cars on the highway
the freedom of the open road
entombed in our hybrid prisons
a soulless trip to and endless end
wheels on the card go round
wheels on the car grind us down

humanity- the relentless pursuit of destruction

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...