Monday, December 28, 2015

Midnight Blues

hey, it's midnight
coughing up the muddy sounds of another lost vision and creeping through the fog of loss
hey, it's midnight
throwing stones at the headlights of damnation and smiling with the clowns in my pocket

midnight- don't you know me
midnight- will you ever forget her

hey, it's midnight
falling down the drunken staircase into yesterdays shadow and leaving tomorrow in the empty hall
hey, it's midnight
davey ruby's is calling for his share of the poverty and asking about chances of an early invitation to the other side of life

midnight- remember all the sunshine
midnight- remember all the rain

(warmer in the circle of the shadows that flirted with dreamers searching for heaven) midnight
(hunger in the passion of the fringe that swept love off its feet) midnight

midnight- running from the sunrise
midnight- standing in the singularity

hey, it's midnight
hold me and all the past will wash away
hey, it's midnight
and i'm waiting for this moment in the pale light of the love that will never die


feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall
(here's something to make you happy)
feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall

crossing the precipice
dealing in death again
walking to indigo
freezing in hell begins

fourteen is twenty-two
my mind ingesting the clues
coroners uncovering green
sound is swallowing now

feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall
(here's something to make you happy)
feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall

spinning inside the vacuum of time the music grinds on without a sign- cataclysm
leaving and lying within the measure of trying to find the source of your crime- genesis

deeply sowing the seed
crawling toward light speed
creatures spring from belief
no one to take the wheel

withered and gasping
concealing the mastering
over and under the gun
never to taste the wine

feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall
(here's something to make you happy)
feeling small against the wall
feeling small against the wall

turn out the light

Love Freedom Magic

as the words go down on the water and dreams begin to flicker
along the shore the red queen dances around her alter while armies of desire march on

freedom is a magic few understand

the drums sound loudly echoing through the canyons of regret
and ring through the mountains of lost chances providing a score to the upcoming conquest

freedom is a magic few ever touch

magic comes from dreams lonely people never slept through
magic comes from dreams foolish people tried to live
magic comes from the empty spaces between lovers and friends

as the voices come over the water and shimmered dreams retreat
into the morning dew the red queen smiles as she greets me with a kiss

freedom is next to love

and freedom sleeps next to me

Shadow Love

i remember the night i held you in my eyes
i've never been closer to the edge
there is a darkness in your hue that sends me into a river of madness
i want to touch your sin
i want to be inside your shadow

i remember the morning i held your hand
i was falling over precipice
there is a space in your decadence that I must fill
i am your sin

i am within our shadow

Fragile: Handle with Care (My Venus de Milo)

you chose to play this game-
play it fair
the reaction to your action may shatter your hypothesis
don't break her heart
don't break her heart
you chose to play this game-
see it through
keeping your intent behind a veil will only hide the beauty of tonight

you chose to play this game-
play it fair
breaking the damn of desire will drown you when you cling to the anchor of doubt

don't break her heart

The Madness of Your Love (Meeting the Devil Along the Passage of Time)

looking for the way to go
down in front the movie plays a little slower
the gunshot of drama resonates a little louder
looking for the way to go
your heart beats at an uneven tempo
the perspiration of truth beads on your brow

the way to go
a journey into the madness of your love
the way to go
a quest for all the desires in the kingdom of your nighttime

looking for the way to go
a chance meeting with the devil changes the pace
his smile was more comforting than you expected
looking for the way to go
the warmth of darkness was a fascination you could not resist
inside the seasons of abandon the future consumes the weak

the way to go
indecision made me father to the whore of time 
the way to go
a map to the mystery of innuendo that leads to my salvation

the way to go 
i have received my passage to heaven through the depth of your passion
the way to go
was always in your arms


in the glorious dawn of remembering
a victorious night of manhood
still drenched in pools of sweat and lust

you devoured my newest proposition
and left me convulsing in spasms of ecstasy unbound

a shiver in the sunrise


what room was i in? one door down from the sound of my sanity melting into the sunset room 16 could be an allusion would be an illusion  sho...