Thursday, December 27, 2012

Drinking From the Cup of Seduction

Prologue (Turning Beauty Into Tingling Truth)

shadows move and fade
redemption can be given;
can he be saved?

Requiem for A Liar

sanity is tragic and cinderella is a whore
revenge is for thieves and honor is a lie
what can i say?
my lifeblood spills out onto the ice that has become my fate
the elegant deception played to an empty room
as you stood in the wings waiting for my fall
this is the pixilation of our love under the microscope of living
i follow the thrill and you tend my wounds when i come down
one day i will learn
dreams inside jars are fantasies best left on the shelf next to the cans of spoiled what ifs

Perception of Depravity

the ghost of inventions aborted in the collapsing desperation that orbits around me fill my senses with whispers of the demons i’ve yet to seduce and remind me of the angels who cursed me with this knowledge of the darkest side of mankind-
i am the mystery of perception

a constant torment rolls inside my soul bringing me to these alters of shadow and vice once more offering my life before the swirling abyss and its tentacles of madness so i may search the depths of debauchery for the secrets in the darkness-
i am the perception of the mystery


inside the swirl of these psychotic eyes
every temptation surrounds me
filling my senses with the fantastic
sex and death consume my thoughts
death in sex-scream
sex in death-believe
from within every penetrating invasion of flesh
to the solace of orgasm’s bombastic death
the flesh does demand the attention and the destruction
come see the sex inside my death
witness the death this act of gratification brings
sex in death-scream
death in sex- believe
burning my wings in contorted ecstasy i am alive
plummeting to the ground this climax of terminal velocity
rips my soul from the mortal coil
expostulation releases me as a final offering on the altar of decadence

The Regret You Left in My Mouth was the Ashes of a Foolish Mans Dreams

buried in the scent of your loneliness i fell asleep
a dream came over me and i was certain i would wake before the end
between the metaphors and subliminal messages
a wondrous image began to unveil itself
in pieces
then sharper
a door had been opened in the dawn
my choice was a burden i hadn’t expected
and a burden was my reward for the choice made
the image soon faded and the perfume of loneliness
clouded the scene i had been drawn into
focus lost
the doorway disappeared in the darkness
i wonder if every demon finds redemption in the end
when the cliff edge begins to come into view
the impending fall looming larger than the pleasure of self
and perhaps every demon screams out apologies
as the void rapidly fills their senses
maybe i will find some salvation when my time comes
in a life of acts that have sometimes teetered on the edge of sanity
my sense of regret still trails behind my shadow of depravation
and i whisper apologies in my sleep
it’s in my sleep i remember the image
but the image has changed into a mystery that turns my whispers to screams
i dreamt an image of you and i walking the endless journey
now the image is of each of us alone, silent in our approach to edge
jealously holding hearts stolen
refusing redemption
no apology
no regret
the smile of a soul consumed by its own desire
eternal loneliness in exchange for something you only thought you could feel

Tomb of the Eternal

i looked into the distance and found a vision of a dream long ago abandoned
the gloried pursuits of quest and conquest shriveled to insignificance
my shimmering palace on the hill was before me, gates open and prepared to receive me
i could lay down my sword, remove my armor; finally rest and heal my wounds

as i slept the sleep of a heroic king, peaceful through the night my mind floated
drifting along the silent world of personal good and evil; the catacombs of my soul
no judgment passed, no delicate balances to negotiate between lesser evils
a minds eye recollection of the life i had embarked upon so many nights ago

battles won and lost
friends and family taken from me
lovers from hot to cold in the night
pledges honored and honor forsaken

honor- my mind was shaken
honor- my soul has been sacrificed

my slumber shattered
uncertain of my own senses
my feet could not find solid ground
my faith in myself disappearing

i looked into the distance and found a vision of a dream long ago abandoned
a dream i could no longer remember, an apparition of a vague feeling
cold prison walls replace the emerald stones i first looked on with clouded vision
my shimmering palace was not the hero’s castle; i had been deceived by my own desire

the sentence imposed by the mirror image magistrate brings me to my knees
the rash thinking of decisions made when i wore the clothes of a brash young warrior
had followed me here to this place of final judgment; a reconciliation of deeds undone
from prison to tomb i am condemned to these cold stone walls of greed and vanity

above the door to my eternal crypt let these words be written:
“inside beats the heart of the eternal fool.”


i did not hear you
when you sang the last song for me
i did not understand
the message was to clear

happiness is a journey-
oblivion is just around the block-
i don’t know which road i’m on dear
let me light a fire in the night
and keep warm ‘til daylight
then i’ll find my way

so the next time i sing to you
from the darkness or the beyond
listen in the chorus-
when the choir sings-
hallelujah, i love you
and know i remember a day…
before your were scars there


there are shadows in my soul
deep down where no sacred thing grows
dark beasts that know no mercy
smoothly evil whispers of deceit and treachery
fragments of men i could become
creatures of cruelty that fear just one thing

the light of your love


don’t need no bourbon, wine or gin
don’t need no groceries to stick my face in
just want my babies loving arms around me
that’s how i need my day to begin

she wakes me every morning
with lovin from her cup
she puts a fire in my evening
that burns my nighttime up
don’t need no bourbon, wine or gin
don’t need no groceries to stick my face in
just want my babies loving arms around me
that’s how i need my day to begin

she keeps me on the good foot
she makes me walk the line
she stands me at attention
and makes me shoot right on time
don’t need no bourbon, wine or gin
don’t need no groceries to stick my face in
just want my babies loving arms around me
that’s how i need my day to begin
don’t need no bourbon, wine or gin
don’t need no groceries to stick my face in
just want my babies loving arms around me
that’s how i need my day to begin

The Dark Adventures of Horace Whimp

there was darkness in my life
confusion was the game i played
like a madman gambling with heaven
my tempo unchecked and my senses unbalanced
i took the torture of loneliness inside myself
lost on the seas of doubt and destruction
i forgot who i was

i was dreaming when a voice asked me if i was seeking redemption
my pause was long and strained
to be redeemed would admit my wrong
to feel the sting of waking up and finding my shuffle had been replaced by a crawl
“don’t be afraid, just knock on the door”
could i move past this disease?
could i once again be myself?

i knelt down and held your hand
could here still be music in our song?
had the shadows of my heart been darkened too long?
could you cleanse my past with your tears?
“don’t be afraid, just knock on the door”

she took my sadness in her arms
redeemed me with love and made me remember
i woke up from my haze and looked in the mirror
the reflection was me glowing in the electric light of her song
her love is my shuffle and i will never drop it again

Freak Show Enigma

take away the roses of another summer and fill the vase with the seasons of reflection as i am almost warm and you have filled the silence of winter with the whisper of innocence
another sunflower morning has wished its way into this whimsical nonsense while the southbound eagle soars searching for the specter of shadows creeping into this heaven

i have written words for the noise within me and they are the invention of a mystery dreamt in a sleep so sound you woke to find yourself removed from the person you once knew

this is a journey
one step may take a lifetime
two steps will last a second
this is a journey
one step removed from a crucible
two steps inside of love

loving me comes with a ticket to ride the freak show
ride the freak show

a kiss in the mirror will bring you a lifetime of extremes and i can only offer snacks while the in-flight movie pours our life on a technicolor panorama of passions
another wandering sunset has hammered its way into the falling lines of this fusion of words and visions closing the eyes of heaven while you dream a mystery for me

Salvation in Dreaming

in the bright beyond she dances under stars of imagination
twirling in the juniper scented mists laughing at the wonder of life
her perfect world shielded from the cruelty of life and the storms i create
a land of perpetual love and happiness filled with lavender and daisies
someday i will join her there
when i am worthy of receiving her truth and stillness of her peace
until then
she dances
i can see her when she dances

i can see her in my dreams
in white- a radiant vision of hope
i can see her in my dreams
in red- the sultry picture of seduction

in the dimly lit now she stumbles under the stress of my delusions
gracefully planning her next step in the soured air of another plan gone wrong
her current world filled with the swirling madness of living in my wake
a land of uncertainty and failure filled with wilted dreams and faded yellow
someday i will take her from here
when i am worthy of receiving the truth and stillness of her peace
until then
she waits
and helps me dream

The Song

this pen and paper have me bound
the dawn creeps upon me
slowly stalking without sound
the blank lines speak in secret rhyme
content to let me flounder
in the silence of fading time
i hear your teardrops pounding
on the tin roof of my heart
and i feel our love drowning
words don’t leave me hopeless
help me find a way to make her stay
to prove my love is endless
and my dreams of her are not a ghost in a song
that she is the melody to my life
the chorus i’ve sang all along
she is the angel singing
the song i always tried to write
she is the angel singing
the song i failed to write


meet my body on the mountain top
mix the words inside your lovin cup
this will last forever

last night the sound was the same
the breath on my face was the same
meet my body on the mountain top
unlock the secret code you wrote
this will last forever

fill this want with more than i need

feel my body inside the sacred
meet me inside the golden chamber on the mountain top
this will last forever

Epilogue (The Cradle of Your Soul)

some days when i stare at the man in the mirror i wonder if there is anything left of the man you fell in love with to see
i’ve fallen down more times than i’ve gotten up it seems
but the one constant has always been your hand there to pick me up
i know my heart rests in the cradle of your soul
you have kept it there for me
since the night you found it wandering the street
i’m the only stray you ever took in

i see other people quick to judge
they see your tenderness as a weakness
they are clueless to the strength
the fearlessness i see

some days when i stare in the mirror i see you all over me
and i thank the stars
i’m the man you fell in love with

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...