Monday, February 13, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Episode II (A Little Something About Being Broke)

driving (again)
on my way to work 
it was all in my head 
this story about something 
about me expounding on the wisdom of age 
and youth gone wild 
and other useless stuff 
a little something about being broke’s all gone now 
gone gone gone
gone gone gone

she wore her breasts as if they were made for reality TV
her clothes purchased at some boutique for whores- cleavage unbound 
she was asking me if she should tip the limo driver 
i almost gave her the “i don’t tip speech” from reservoir dogs 
but, could barely speak 

that is where this story went slamming onto the floor 
with the same destructive force as her damn jersey accent 
i swear i almost called her carmela and asked her where tony was 
but, she’s gone now
all gone now
gone gone gone
gone gone gone

blurry are the days of my youth roads walked 
and bridges crossed with so many stops along the way
all those stops and not once did i ever get directions 
but, that is how i found you and my voices 
and this job 
and carmela
and this search

it’s nice to know you will be there when i get home
whenever that may be

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Lost Adventures of Artemis Dobro: Prelude (97 Miles)

it's 97 miles to toledo

the fresh asphalt gleans an opaque glow as the rain pours down

i'm chasing demons now

while the devil rides shotgun while fate is wrapped in plastic and tied up in the trunk

chasing demons
passing the memories that jam the slow lane

it's 97 miles to toledo

i wonder.... did i forget to close the regret?

wouldn't want any rodents getting in while i was gone

did i turn the love off?

or did i let it simmer until i return?

it's 97 miles to toledo

the devil, he tells me everything is

gonna be alright in the morning

just toss that body in the lake and let your worries take it on down

chasing demons into the dark

Anna, She Drives the Big Van While I Smile and Wave at the Creatures Along the Highway

  these broken boxes of dreams scattered about the lime green waters sleeping in icy caverns beneath the surface of moons i long ago forgot ...